Today, I received Tom’s goodbye letter in the mail. I’ll miss the old grump…but at least I still have him in the GameCube game.

The Bug-Off was held today, and for once, I was not playing too late to participate. I kept an eye out for bugs as I made my rounds. Grizzly told me that bugs and competitors run from him.

I gave Nat a couple of common bugs to start out. He only gave me 4 points for an ant, and 47 points for a darner dragonfly. But the current record was a 52-point mantis that Roscoe caught. Nat encouraged me to keep hunting, giving a little speech that almost sounded like he was sending me into war.

Maybe that’s why he’s not the Bug-Off host in New Horizons; he left to join the military.
Up by the museum, I spotted two agrias butterflies hanging out together! The problem is that they’re fast…very fast. I chased one of them all the way down to the beach, and then across a bridge. But I did catch it eventually!

I took it over to Nat, and he gave me 77 points for it. I was in the lead!

I figured I’d take my chances and not hunt any more. When I returned later on, my bug was still #1, and I had won the tournament! I received my bug trophy in the mail from Nat.
Later on, I headed over to the Roost for K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show. He performed K.K. Jazz for me.

Did you participate in the Bug-Off? If so, let me know how you did in the comments! And I’ll see you all next time!