Title Screen Tease

I turned on the game Wednesday, and I noticed something interesting on the title screen: In front of Curly’s house, I saw Wisp’s empty lamp. (Unfortunately, I hadn’t started recording footage yet.) But when I actually started the game up, the lamp wasn’t there. In fact, I didn’t find it anywhere in town. It was too early in the day for Wisp himself to show up, though.

So I tried again after 8 p.m., but I still found no sign of Wisp or his lamp. It was raining, and I wondered if that contributed (though I didn’t think it would). But in the meantime, I caught some bugs and fish…including two coelacanths! Nice!

A coelacanth?

The rain stopped at 11 p.m., and I again took another walk around town. No Wisp, and no empty lamp. I guess Wisp ghosted me. 😛 So naturally, I have some questions. Is evidence of a special character on the title screen not indicative of what happens once the game starts up? Or what exactly happened that seemingly turned a Wisp day into not a Wisp day? If anyone has any information, please let me know!

Anyway, I found a surprise goodbye letter in the mail from Grizzly. He has been in Forest since September 2022, which made him my longest-tenured villager. (I believe Roscoe now holds that title.) Even though I wasn’t thrilled about Grizzly when he first arrived, he has grown on me in the past two years. So I’m a bit sad to see him go.

Jeff, Thanks for being here for me. I'm a better animal for knowing you. I'm leaving Forest behind, but I'll be thinking of you in my new home! -Grizzly

For the day, I made nearly 200,000 bells.

Today, it was raining in town again, and Midge thought the trees and flowers looked happier because of it.

Midge: All the trees and flowers look so much happier when it's raining, don't you agree, I eat bugs?
I agree you eat bugs.

Clyde wanted to take a break from the rain at the Roost. But he changed his mind when he realized he forgot to bring his sugar stash. Seems like the Roost should provide sugar for the coffee they serve!

Clyde: Oh, but I forgot to bring my sugar stash, clip clawp...

Tonight, I went to the Roost myself to check out the Saturday night show. K.K. performed K.K. Jazz for me. It’s not my favorite, but I guess it’s okay.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Jazz.

I spent a few minutes bug hunting, but not too long. I wasn’t finding many great bugs (maybe one cyclommatus and one goliath beetle). It’s probably because it was only around 9:00, and some of the better bugs don’t come out until 11:00.

Scorpion On My Feet

Late last night, I played for about 45-minutes…most of which was spent bug-hunting. I also caught a shark in that span. But in total, I earned about 135,000 bells.

The Bug-Off was held today, and of course I missed it. But Nat informed me that Mint was the winner, with a 64-point jewel beetle. Congrats, Mint!

Nat: The 64-point jewel beetle caught by Mint from right here in Forest.

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed Aloha K.K. for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Aloha K.K..

Two of my villagers asked for new catchphrases tonight (Big Top and Midge). They had both been using “giddyup,” which belonged to Roscoe…and didn’t make for sense for an elephant and bird to be using. So I told Big Top to say “in a tent” and I told Midge to say “I eat bugs.”

Midge: I eat bugs. Hm... I like the way it rolls off the tongue!

I was hunting for bugs (and valuable fish) throughout the night, and I was having a lot of luck. I kept seeing rare ones frequently. I seemed to be finding lots of giant beetles and goliath beetles in particular. I even found multiple golden stags!

I caught a golden stag! The light, the blinding light!

At one point, I was creeping up on a scorpion, but he turned back towards me. He was too close for me to swing my net (and a tree was in the way anyway), so I just waited him out. He basically walked on my feet, but didn’t attack me.

A scorpion walks across my feet in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

Once he walked to a safe distance away, I swung my net and caught him.

In my hour-and-a-half session, I made about 300,000 bells and my savings balance is up to 62,640,000 bells. I’m well on my way towards meeting my summer goal of 64 million. 👍

On a less exciting note, I found a lady palm in the recycle bin, and I shot down a balloon present that contained a cabana screen.

See you next week!

Bugs for Roscoe

Curly was sick with the swine flu a cold tonight, so I gave him some medicine. Get well soon, Curly.

Curly flips as he takes his medicine.

I went to the Roost to catch K.K.’s Saturday night performance this evening. I asked for a random song, and he played Steep Hill for me. It’s a really good song, but I did hear it in New Horizons just a few weeks ago.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Steep Hill.

Roscoe asked me to catch a centipede for him, and I tried. But after hitting rocks many times without success, I decided to at least hunt for some other bugs while I went from rock to rock. So in the process, I ended up catching a few good ones. That included a golden stag, a Hercules beetle, and this scorpion.

I caught a scorpion! It looks kind of crabby to me...

While catching a miyama stag in another part of town, I spotted a balloon just over the horizon.

Yippee! I caught a Miyama stag beetle! I beat the beetle!

So of course, I went over and shot it down. Pop!

Pop goes the balloon.

I found a ranch bed in the box. The very next rock I banged contained the centipede I had been looking for! I took it over to Roscoe, but he pinged me before I could hand it over. He noticed that miyama stag in my pockets, and he wanted to trade his “U R here” shirt for it. I agreed.

Then I spoke to him again to give him the centipede. To thank me, guess what he gave me in return? The miyama stag he just took from me a few seconds earlier! Wow. I guess the horse changed course. Make up your mind, Roscoe. 😆

Roscoe: At last! You brought it! The centipede is finally mine! Thanks, giddyup!

In total, I made about 120,000 bells tonight.

I’ll see you all next time! Enjoy your weekend! 🙂