I turned on the game Wednesday, and I noticed something interesting on the title screen: In front of Curly’s house, I saw Wisp’s empty lamp. (Unfortunately, I hadn’t started recording footage yet.) But when I actually started the game up, the lamp wasn’t there. In fact, I didn’t find it anywhere in town. It was too early in the day for Wisp himself to show up, though.
So I tried again after 8 p.m., but I still found no sign of Wisp or his lamp. It was raining, and I wondered if that contributed (though I didn’t think it would). But in the meantime, I caught some bugs and fish…including two coelacanths! Nice!

The rain stopped at 11 p.m., and I again took another walk around town. No Wisp, and no empty lamp. I guess Wisp ghosted me. So naturally, I have some questions. Is evidence of a special character on the title screen not indicative of what happens once the game starts up? Or what exactly happened that seemingly turned a Wisp day into not a Wisp day? If anyone has any information, please let me know!
Anyway, I found a surprise goodbye letter in the mail from Grizzly. He has been in Forest since September 2022, which made him my longest-tenured villager. (I believe Roscoe now holds that title.) Even though I wasn’t thrilled about Grizzly when he first arrived, he has grown on me in the past two years. So I’m a bit sad to see him go.

For the day, I made nearly 200,000 bells.
Today, it was raining in town again, and Midge thought the trees and flowers looked happier because of it.

Clyde wanted to take a break from the rain at the Roost. But he changed his mind when he realized he forgot to bring his sugar stash. Seems like the Roost should provide sugar for the coffee they serve!

Tonight, I went to the Roost myself to check out the Saturday night show. K.K. performed K.K. Jazz for me. It’s not my favorite, but I guess it’s okay.

I spent a few minutes bug hunting, but not too long. I wasn’t finding many great bugs (maybe one cyclommatus and one goliath beetle). It’s probably because it was only around 9:00, and some of the better bugs don’t come out until 11:00.
I actually had something else very weird happen to me with the title screen of this game a few years back.
I was due for a new neighbor (one animal just moved out) and when I booted up the game, It showed a new house on the title screen. I recognized the area as in the nothern part of town (not too far from the gate and bus stop) and I was like cool! A sneak peak of where they live!
But went I started playing and went there, there was NO house at that spot; the new neighbor’s house was actually all the way down near the beach!
I don’t know how or why that happened, but it was very very odd.
Interesting! Some things must not be decided until the game is actually loaded up, and the title screen just uses placeholders as an example.
Did you know that your ACNH character actually shares a birthday with Grizzly? (& Julia too.)