Circles, Beauty, Goal

Last Sunday, I made sure to check out the fireworks festival before August ended.

Tortimer: Today is the last Fireworks Show of the year!

I got a Roman candle from Tortimer, and then I proceeded to wax his shell. It’s tradition, you see. 😆

Burning Tortimer with a Roman candle as Antonio looks on.

However, he seemed intent on walking in circles…for nearly a full minute, until I spoke with him again! This is the same thing that happened to Bones in 2019, after a fishing tournament. In the same spot, too! This must be a glitch that happens during events.

But anyway, I stopped at several spots around town to watch the fireworks. 🙂

Fireworks go off in the sky in ACCF.

On Monday night, I did a little bug-hunting. I also caught two sharks, which is pretty rare for me to even see two sharks in the same night. I also netted three elephant beetles, caught one tarantula, and outran a scorpion to Nook’s shop for safety. 😆 I made about 105k on the night.

On Thursday night, Patty confused me when she started talking about beauty…and her snot. 🤔

Patty: I'm so, like, moved by the beauty, I can't quit crying! Aaaaaugh! My snot! It won't stop, how-now!

But about a minute later, I started hearing shooting stars. It was a meteor shower!

A shooting star flies past the moon in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

It actually became a pretty heavy meteor shower, too. At least for City Folk. At one point, I heard four of them within a two-second span!

I spent some time catching more bugs and fish, and I didn’t stop until I earned 290,000 bells on the night. That’s what I needed to reach my summer goal: 64 million in savings! Mission accomplished! 😎

Your current balance is 64,000,000 bells.

Tonight, Big Top told me that he wished he was Tom Nook (ew). But he was really just wanting his own store…so I guess I can forgive him for that statement. 😆

Big Top: Sometimes I wish I was Tom Nook, in a tent! 'Cause then I'd have my own store!

At the Roost, I asked K.K. for a random song; he performed “Pondering” for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Pondering.

Here are a few other quick notes about tonight:

  • Patty was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine.
  • I shot down a balloon present that contained a sandbag.
  • I found a watermelon table in the recycle bin at town hall.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend (holiday weekend if you’re in the U.S.), and I’ll see you all next week!

Knick Knack, Patty’s Back

On Wednesday, I found a new house in town. Clyde’s replacement has moved in, and it’s Patty the peppy cow. She’s lived in Forest before, back in 2012.

Patty: Sniiiiiiiiff! Ahhhhhh... You gotta LOVE the smell of a new house!
Mmm, it smells like hamburgers in here. 🍔

I had a nice bug-hunting session, earning about 225k on the night.

Today, Nana told me that she was thinking about moving out of town. However, I asked her to stay.

Nana: So, what do you think, li'l guy? Is it time for me to move on? >Don't go!

She didn’t agree to stay initially, but I did get her to change her mind a bit later.

Curly reminded me that the last fireworks festival of the year is coming up tomorrow!

Curly: This is the last one for this year! I gotta savor every BOOM like a tasty morsel on my plate, I'm a pig!

I haven’t yet attended the fireworks show this year (although I have in Wild World, New Leaf, and New Horizons). So I’m going to try to play a little tomorrow night to check them out.

I found Roscoe standing in front of Scott’s house…but it may have been because he didn’t have a house of his own! At least, not one that he could enter. 😆 He locked himself out.

Roscoe: I'm a man without keys... A man without a home... A wanderer... Makes me sound kinda cool...

However, I didn’t go searching for his key. Guess he’ll be spending the night outdoors. 😛

After 8:00, I went over to the Roost to check out K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show. He performed “Mr. K.K.” for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Mr. K.K..

Due to a late football game I was watching on TV, I didn’t do much bug-hunting tonight. I did make about 40k though, and I’m 420k from my goal. But I do have one more week to go, and I’ll probably be playing a few nights next week to reach my target.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone! I hope you’re able to enjoy some Animal Crossing, in one form or another! 🙂

Don’t Hog Them

I received Clyde’s goodbye letter in the mail today. So Forest is back to being a one-horse town…and I’m okay with that. (It is however, a two-monkey town…which is not ideal.)

Dear Jeff, Today's the day I leave Forest. I hope there's someone as fun as you in my new town. Take care! -Clyde

Nat was in town for the Bug-Off, which I did not participate in. But he informed me that Big Top was today’s winner! Congrats, big guy! He caught a 68-point banded dragonfly! Impressive!

I went over to the Roost to catch the Saturday night show, and K.K. Slider performed K.K. Condor for me. It’s the o-o-o-o-o song, if you know what I mean. 😛

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Condor.

Curly was talking about friends, and he was saying that he needs to hang out with some new people. So he told me to invite my friends over, and not to hog them all to myself. 🐷

Curly: Don't hog them to yourself! Come on! Hook me up, giddyup!
How many friends could a friend-hog hog, if a friend-hog could hog friends?

After making my rounds, I got my net out and started hunting for bugs. I was having really good luck with giant beetles (I think I caught six of them tonight), but the other rare bugs were few and far between. In my ~75-minute session tonight (not all of which was spent bug-hunting, of course), I made about 180,000 bells.

I haven’t been bug-hunting much in the past few weeks, so I’ve fallen off my bell-earning pace from July. With just two weeks to go in August, I may have to go bug-hunting a few nights a week to meet my goal.

I recently posted my latest City Folk Moments video on Youtube, so I hope you’ll check it out.

Before ending my game for the night, I found a glow clock in the recycle bin at town hall. See you all next time!