Circles, Beauty, Goal

Last Sunday, I made sure to check out the fireworks festival before August ended.

Tortimer: Today is the last Fireworks Show of the year!

I got a Roman candle from Tortimer, and then I proceeded to wax his shell. It’s tradition, you see. 😆

Burning Tortimer with a Roman candle as Antonio looks on.

However, he seemed intent on walking in circles…for nearly a full minute, until I spoke with him again! This is the same thing that happened to Bones in 2019, after a fishing tournament. In the same spot, too! This must be a glitch that happens during events.

But anyway, I stopped at several spots around town to watch the fireworks. 🙂

Fireworks go off in the sky in ACCF.

On Monday night, I did a little bug-hunting. I also caught two sharks, which is pretty rare for me to even see two sharks in the same night. I also netted three elephant beetles, caught one tarantula, and outran a scorpion to Nook’s shop for safety. 😆 I made about 105k on the night.

On Thursday night, Patty confused me when she started talking about beauty…and her snot. 🤔

Patty: I'm so, like, moved by the beauty, I can't quit crying! Aaaaaugh! My snot! It won't stop, how-now!

But about a minute later, I started hearing shooting stars. It was a meteor shower!

A shooting star flies past the moon in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

It actually became a pretty heavy meteor shower, too. At least for City Folk. At one point, I heard four of them within a two-second span!

I spent some time catching more bugs and fish, and I didn’t stop until I earned 290,000 bells on the night. That’s what I needed to reach my summer goal: 64 million in savings! Mission accomplished! 😎

Your current balance is 64,000,000 bells.

Tonight, Big Top told me that he wished he was Tom Nook (ew). But he was really just wanting his own store…so I guess I can forgive him for that statement. 😆

Big Top: Sometimes I wish I was Tom Nook, in a tent! 'Cause then I'd have my own store!

At the Roost, I asked K.K. for a random song; he performed “Pondering” for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Pondering.

Here are a few other quick notes about tonight:

  • Patty was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine.
  • I shot down a balloon present that contained a sandbag.
  • I found a watermelon table in the recycle bin at town hall.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend (holiday weekend if you’re in the U.S.), and I’ll see you all next week!