I got a great surprise today. Curly’s replacement has moved in, and it’s Jeremiah the blue frog!

He lived in Forest before, back in 2013. And I currently have him in my New Leaf town, too. He is one of my favorite frogs, and also one of my favorite villagers overall. I’m glad to have him here! Welcome to Forest, Jeremiah!
Ruby begged asked me to play hide-and-seek with her, and I agreed to play. She said afterwards, we could scream and laugh and eat cake.

She gave me ten minutes to find her, Big Top, and Monty. It took me less than two minutes to find Ruby, hiding behind Antonio’s house.

I found Big Top near the dead end, and then Monty trying to hide behind a sign post.

For winning the game, Ruby rewarded me with a tall nebuloid. Unfortunately, there was no mention of the cake she promised. The cake is a lie.

I found Don enjoying some coffee at the Roost. He told me that Saturday evenings, he and Resetti get together and tally up the resets. But he said he couldn’t give me that information.

Later on, Patty was out for a walk…and she got mad at me. She thought I was against walking, even though I didn’t even say anything to suggest that (not to mention, I was out for a walk myself). This cow has some issues.

I walked on over to the Roost, where K.K. Slider was putting on his usual Saturday night show. I asked him for a random song, and he performed K.K. Calypso for me.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I’ll see you next time!