There was a fishing tournament today, and Ruby seemed annoyed that so many people were taking it seriously. She said she was just in it for the fun of it.

Big Top seemed to be confused about what type of fish event it was! He asked if I would be entering the tuna salad eating contest!

But honestly, I think that was just random dialogue. It’s just a coincidence that he said it during a fishing tournament. I did, however, catch a tuna of my own a few minutes later!

But I didn’t want to give it to Chip…and I didn’t want to eat it on a sandwich either. I decided to catch another fish to give to Chip, and it was a dab. However, it was only 23.5 inches long, while Monty had caught an 85.3 inch tuna!!

Monty set the bar really high! With a fish that big, no sea bass had a chance of winning. And even my tuna might not top it…so I just went to the shop and sold my tuna instead. I don’t need another fishing trophy anyway.
I saved and quit my game, but I returned later on. Chip confirmed that Monty was the eventual winner, and I got a “Good Sport Award” in the mail for being a loser.

Monty asked me to make a delivery to Nana…the other monkey in town. I agreed to help out, and the gift was a paw shirt. Is that the monkey’s paw? Uh-oh!

I wondered if this delivery would have some unintended consequences, but…not really. Monty just rewarded me with a kiddie wall.
I then went over to the Roost for K.K. Slider’s Saturday night show. I asked for a random song, and he tried to put me to sleep.

Goodnight, everyone!