Yo, Forest!

As expected, I found Ruby’s goodbye letter in the mail today. I wonder if she’s up there, looking down at us. From the moon, most likely. 🌚

Like, to Jeff, I'm gonna move. It's hard to leave, since we're BFFs and stuff... But I have a picture of you that I took when you weren't looking, so I'll never forget you! Like, from Ruby!

I also got a letter from the snowman I built last week. He sent me a snowman fridge, which I sold for a cool 8,888 bells.

Antonio was sick with a cold, so I went to the store to buy him some medicine. Get well soon, Ant-Man! 🐜

At the Roost tonight, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song and he performed “K.K. Blues” for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Blues.

When I visited Marina, she tried to describe hip-hop music…or at least, according to Antonio.

Marina: According to Antonio, it's all... YO! Yo, Forest... YO! Marina in the house!

To get a better idea of the music, maybe she should have a chat with another octopus-like character named Marina…from Splatoon 2. 🐙🎶

Robin asked me to find her a centipede, and I agreed to help out. However, it took me a while to track one down. But I did find one eventually, after 20+ minutes.

Robin: Is this...? It IS! You brought the centipede I wanted!

After all that searching, Robin rewarded me with just a CD player. Forget the CD, I’m the one that was spinning around town, circling around from rock to rock, looking for the centipede. And she brought the music to a screeching halt with that gift. 😛

The snow will be gone in just a few more days! Bring on spring! I’ll see you next time.

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