Triangle Heads?

When I played yesterday, I received a letter from Mint in the mail. She thanked me for the medicine I gave her last week, and she sent me a daffodil table.

Big Top asked me to take a present over to Monty for him, and I agreed to help out. That gift was a men’s toilet, and Monty said that Big Top has a memory like an elephant! I wonder why. 🐘

Monty: A men's toilet? That takes me back. Big Top's got a memory like an elephant!

When I returned to Big Top, he gave me a robo-floor to thank me for making the delivery.

I visited Groucho, and I saw that he is now all packed up and ready to move out. I guess I played too late in the week to save him, but that’s alright.

Groucho: Yep, it's time to move on... Course, I do worry how you'll get on without me to bail you out of trouble...

He was still in town (and packed up) today, but he’ll be gone by the next time I play. Good luck in your travels, you big grouch.

Today, Antonio told me that Robin and Felicity have been hanging out a lot lately. They wouldn’t tell him what they were up to, but Antonio is convinced they’re making a race car that runs on pound cake. Seems legit.

Antonio: But I know they're making a race car that runs on pure pound cake! I can smell the exhaust!
Sounds like a sweet ride.

At the Roost tonight, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed “The K. Funk” for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: The K. Funk.

I rode the bus out to the city, and I was trying to think of a screenshot I’ve never taken before. I’ve probably seen just about everything in this game, right? So this is what I came up with. 😆

Me standing behind a plant in the Happy Room Academy.

Standing behind the plant in the HRA, with just my mohawk (and a bit of my forehead) visible to reveal my location. 😛

I also went into GracieGrace and had a little chat with Puddles. She told me that Gracie’s clothes don’t look good on people with triangular heads.

Puddles: Have you noticed that Gracie's clothes don't look good on people with big triangle heads?
I hadn’t thought about that. It’s an interesting angle.

And now I suddenly want some Doritos. 😆

Monty Wins Again

Mint has caught a cold, so I gave her some medicine yesterday, and again today. Get well soon, Mint!

Mint: I haven't felt THIS horrible since the time I ordered spaghetti and got grilled tuna!

Today, another fishing tournament was underway. But as Nana informed me, it was a loach-only tournament.

Nana: As if fishing weren't hard enough, we have to catch a loach?

Even though I was playing early enough in the day, I chose not to participate this time. I don’t like these tournaments where you have to catch one specific fish.

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I took a bus out to the city and made my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover. Phineas was also in the city, so I asked him for a balloon. Fittingly, he gave me a green one!

Mohawk McClover holds a green balloon while standing next to Phineas in the city of Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Hi, Midge! Limberg was also in the city, but he didn’t turn and say “Cheese!”

I took a break from playing, but I returned tonight. Chip informed me that Monty won the tournament with an 8.4-inch loach. That’s two in a row for Monty! Congrats!

I went over to the Roost and asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed “Only Me,” which is one of his better songs. 👍

Mohawk McClover enjoys a performance from K.K. Slider in ACCF.

Groucho told me that he wanted to move out of town.

Groucho: Anyhow, I'm not gonna vanish this instant. I'm just letting you know I'm not long for this town.

Even though he’s my least favorite villager in town, I didn’t necessarily want him to leave so soon. He’s only been here for two weeks, after all! I (twice) tried to talk him out of it, but he hasn’t changed his mind. I just wasn’t in the mood to spend all night trying to save him. If he’s still around when I play next week, I may try again. If not, it’s no big loss.

I recently posted my latest City Folk Moments video, so I hope you’ll check it out if you haven’t seen it yet:

Coloring Nook

On Tuesday, Marina asked if I’ve picked up any new hobbies lately. I said no, and she suggested trying some new recipes. Was this the seed that grew into crafting and cooking later in New Horizons?

Marina: Tell you what: if you're ever curious about trying new recipes, I'll happily get you started.

When I visited my other pink neighbor Nana, she asked me to catch a peacock for her! Unfortunately, it was the day after Festivale, so I was too late to catch Pavé. 😛

Nana: Guess what, Sugar J! I've decided that I absolutely HAVE to have a peacock!

Just kidding. She wanted a peacock butterfly, even though she never mentioned the word butterfly. 😛

Saharah was in town, and she asked me for some old wallpaper. So I started asking around. Felicity told me that she had some old wallpaper the day before, but she just traded it for some slippers. That was random.

Felicity: Oh, bummer! I totally had old wallpaper yesterday, but I traded it for a pair of slippers. Don't ask.

Antonio helped me out by giving me some wallpaper, although he claimed to not know that Saharah even had a name! He said he had just called her “Eyelash Lady.”

Antonio: So, that lady... Her name is Saharah? I've been calling her Eyelash Lady! She has a name?!

Mint and Monty (M&M?) also had some old wallpaper for me, so I had the three that I needed! I took them back to Saharah, and she gave me a backgammon wall for them. I’m game for that. 😛

Saharah: Here...a backgammon wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.

I played some more City Folk again today, and Marina told me there was a painter in town. She was talking about Wendell, of course.

Marina: I heard that there was a painter visiting our fair town. Someone saw him wandering around earlier.

It just made me think what a shame it is that Wendell’s role has diminished in recent games. In New Leaf, he only existed in dreams. And then in New Horizons, he got completely replaced by a custom designs portal. He may still show up in the Roost if you use an amiibo card, but still, that’s disappointing.

Anyway, I ran into Wendell a few moments later. I shook down the apples from a nearby tree and gave him one. He thanked me and gave me not a coloring book, but a coloring Nook.

Wendell: ...So glad I found someone good to take coloring Nook!

It’s a pattern of Tom Nook that’s not filled in. You can color it in yourself, if you’d like.

The coloring Nook pattern in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

I later spotted a peacock butterfly flying around! I caught it and took it over to Nana. (I like how they give you a few days for requests in this game.)

Nana: Oh, wow! Is that... It is! It's a peacock!

She rewarded me with a lattice wall.

Marina has been toying with the idea of moving out, but I finally got her to change her mind after about six attempts. I can’t let my 3rd favorite villager leave, especially when she just got here! And speaking of that, would you like to know where I’d rank all of my villagers? I recently ranked my villagers in all eight of my Animal Crossing towns, and you see the full lists in this video:

I also just posted my monthly recap of villager arrivals and departures in my towns. And you can see that here:

I hope to see you all next week with more! Have a great weekend!