Badminton, Groucho

When I played yesterday, Antonio told me he was over his cold. He said it felt like he just crawled out of a cave, and no one visited him while he was sick! Or if they did, they didn’t bring him any medicine!

Antonio: Almost no one came to visit, and if they did, they didn't bring anything!

Of course, that wasn’t true. I did visit him, and I gave him medicine last week. But if you only do it one time, they apparently don’t remember it. You have to do it multiple times to get credit for it. Oof.

Tonight, Antonio and Big Top were having a conversation about a competition they saw on TV. Except that Antonio thought they were talking about badminton, and Big Top thought they were talking about a pie-eating contest. 🥧🏸

Antonio: What do you mean what does badminton have to do with anything?
Well, I guess they both get served?

I found a new house in the northeast part of town, so that meant that Ruby’s replacement had moved in. It’s Groucho the cranky bear…not exactly one of my favorites. And why does it seem like so many bears are cranky?

Groucho: Huh? How did you get in here?

He previously lived in Forest back in 2017, for just about two months. Hopefully this stint in town is just as short.

I went over to the Roost, but I was a bit too early for the concert.

K.K.: I'm hitting the stage for a live gig at 8:00 tonight, you dig?

Once 8:00 rolled around, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed K.K. Metal for me.