Christmas Eve

I started up the game and had four letters in my mailbox, all with presents attached. One was from “Mom,” who sent me a fairy tale shirt…ugly! Another letter was from the Snowman. Yesterday I made a perfect snowman (5-for-5 now) and he sent me a snowman sofa. The other two letters were from Nook; I ordered a Jingle shirt and festive hat from my catalog.

Jeff dressed up like Santa.It was snowing, so I didn’t have to water my flowers. I talked to some animals, and Mint asked for a new catchphrase. So I taught her to say jinglebell.

Mint: I love the sound of it... jinglebell! It's like a magic word that makes me irresistible, jinglebell!I also changed my town tune to Deck the Halls.

Town tune notes for Deck the Halls in Animal Crossing: City Folk.I saw two snowballs and thought a new snowman would be nice for the visitors to see later on at night, so I built one. Yes, I’m 6-for-6 now, haha.

Snowman: My perfect roundness, this balance of body and head! There's not an ounce of criticism I can give!I was done playing at the time, but I played again later in the evening for Jingle. Around 8:45, I opened my gate. Nobody came in until 9:00, when Bradley and Mike came in. We started searching for Jingle. Before long, TZ also came and my town was full. Bradley was looking for a Jingle TV, but that’s actually not an item you can get from Jingle…it was DLC. So I ordered one for Bradley.

At one point, Mike suggested we take a picture of all of us by the snowman I built earlier. It sounded like a good idea to remember the night by, so I suggested we all wait until the speech bubbles disappeared to make it a good picture. But then people kept talking. I reminded everyone again, and we stood there waiting. But right before the last bubble disappeared, someone talked.

Then we repeated the same exact scenario several more times, and every single time, someone would talk RIGHT before the last bubble disappeared. Is it that hard to not talk for 30 seconds? Eventually I gave up and said forget it, and I never got to take the picture. I was very annoyed at that point, but it was Christmas Eve, so I suggested we all get back to looking for Jingle.

About 10:00, TZ left. I found Jingle in Peaches’ house, so we all met in there to get our items. There was a gyroid in there that sounded like it was farting. I didn’t realize until Bradley said “my bad.”

Jeff: That's a gassy gyroid.At one point, after finding Jingle, Mike stopped talking and moving. Even worse was that he had accidentally tried picking up an item, but couldn’t, because his pockets were full. So we couldn’t push him away so that Jingle could respawn, so there was nothing we could do. I couldn’t save the game. No other visitors could come in. I couldn’t close the gate. After 10 full minutes of not being able to do any of that, he came back and was able to drop the item back.

Soon after, Bushido came in. After another 10 minutes, Mike had only spoken once. He seemed to not be playing. After repeatedly not responding (and because I knew Skye had wanted to visit), I decided to close the gate and immediately re-open. Mike was just wasting a spot in town by sitting there not playing when I knew someone else wanted in.

Bushido and Bradley came back in, but then another person tried to come in. The game was saving for several minutes and we eventually disconnected. I don’t know who the other person was (I found out later it wasn’t Skye).

So I again reopened my gate and Bradley came in. Unfortunately, Bushido never came back. A little later, Skye came in. Skye has yet to meet Bushido, despite them both being two of my most frequent visitors lately. Bradley was no longer interested in finding Jingle, but Skye and I were still searching for him. Bradley eventually left and then it was just me and Skye.

We found Jingle in Peaches’ house again and again. We think he must have been up to no good (or has something going on with Peaches…although she wasn’t home at the time, so I don’t know).

Hanging out with Jingle in Peaches' house.One time, Skye appeared to be kissing Jingle. I think she has a thing for these animals that only show up once a year. 😛

Jeff: Making out behind bones!Before long, we were done and we went to sell our stash. I ended up 318,240 bells from Jingle furniture tonight. We said goodnight and I ended the party.

Jeff: I made 318k.Merry Christmas, everyone!

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