Friday Night Forest

I opened my gate about 10:05 tonight and by 10:08, my town was full. Bradley, TZ, and Bushido were the visitors. I was still wearing the beak that Skye sent me. After hanging out in my house briefly, we went to Nook’s, where everything was sold out. Turned out Bushy bought everything for the Nook points. We went back outside and soon heard some mole crickets.

Ruby: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Don't, like, talk to me! Go take care of your guests and stuff!Bradley: Mole cricket?Although we were digging for them, I’m not even sure if we ever found any. We eventually went back to my house and were hanging out in the basement with my newly complete golden series.

Jeff: Bedly & Beddido.We went up into the lab and played on the lab equipment. Later, some of us went to Scott’s house as well. After 11:00, Bushido left. A few minutes later, Skye came in. And then Bradley left. Skye saw the beak I was wearing and put on a beak of her own. So naturally, we went around pecking things…and people. 😀

Jeff and Skye pecking everything.TZ left around 11:30, and on her way out, she ordered me to change my spooky room. >:|

T Zelda: Halloween is WAY over.We were in the observatory when it hit me…celestial events! That is why Celeste was named Celeste! I never realized that before. Skye and I just hung out for a good while, until 1:20 or so. Then, Skye left and I closed my gate.

Skye: Skye is going. Jeff: Crazy.

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