Gulliver Goes Down!

Francine has officially moved out of town; I got her goodbye letter today. As usual when an animal moves out, I take regular flowers out of my “free flower” area and place them where the departing beast’s house was. That’s so the grass there regrows quicker.

I played between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. and saw that Pete was nowhere to be found. That, combined with the fact that no other visitors were in town, let me know that the UFO should be flying overhead later.

And true enough, it happened, and I shot it down and recovered the spaceship gear part for the 4th time. Will this be the time I get lucky and get the metroid? I wouldn’t mind the moai statue either. I’ll find out tomorrow.

Shooting Gulliver's UFO with my slingshot. Smoke starts to pour out of the spaceship.

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