Major Fruit Run

I had a great conversation with Monty the monkey tonight: He told me he was leaving town!

Monty: It's just about time I packed up my things and moved on, lone bone.

Lucy the pig was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her.

Lucy flips as she takes her medicine.

I saw something of an unusual site tonight: A weed seemingly growing out of the cliff! At least partially.

A weed grows out of a cliff in ACCF.

After I finished making my rounds, I realized that I was just 120,000 bells short of 40 million. So I decided to go on a major fruit harvesting run, one like I probably haven’t done in ten years. Probably two-thirds of my town’s trees were bare by the time I finished!

Pockets full of coconuts, with many bare trees in the background.

But I ended up meeting my goal with fruit to spare. (The northern parts of my town were spared.) I now have forty million bells in the bank. 💰💰💰💰

Your current balance is 40,000,000 bells.

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