Monty Wins Again

Mint has caught a cold, so I gave her some medicine yesterday, and again today. Get well soon, Mint!

Mint: I haven't felt THIS horrible since the time I ordered spaghetti and got grilled tuna!

Today, another fishing tournament was underway. But as Nana informed me, it was a loach-only tournament.

Nana: As if fishing weren't hard enough, we have to catch a loach?

Even though I was playing early enough in the day, I chose not to participate this time. I don’t like these tournaments where you have to catch one specific fish.

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I took a bus out to the city and made my annual transformation into Mohawk McClover. Phineas was also in the city, so I asked him for a balloon. Fittingly, he gave me a green one!

Mohawk McClover holds a green balloon while standing next to Phineas in the city of Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Hi, Midge! Limberg was also in the city, but he didn’t turn and say “Cheese!”

I took a break from playing, but I returned tonight. Chip informed me that Monty won the tournament with an 8.4-inch loach. That’s two in a row for Monty! Congrats!

I went over to the Roost and asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed “Only Me,” which is one of his better songs. 👍

Mohawk McClover enjoys a performance from K.K. Slider in ACCF.

Groucho told me that he wanted to move out of town.

Groucho: Anyhow, I'm not gonna vanish this instant. I'm just letting you know I'm not long for this town.

Even though he’s my least favorite villager in town, I didn’t necessarily want him to leave so soon. He’s only been here for two weeks, after all! I (twice) tried to talk him out of it, but he hasn’t changed his mind. I just wasn’t in the mood to spend all night trying to save him. If he’s still around when I play next week, I may try again. If not, it’s no big loss.

I recently posted my latest City Folk Moments video, so I hope you’ll check it out if you haven’t seen it yet:

Coloring Nook

On Tuesday, Marina asked if I’ve picked up any new hobbies lately. I said no, and she suggested trying some new recipes. Was this the seed that grew into crafting and cooking later in New Horizons?

Marina: Tell you what: if you're ever curious about trying new recipes, I'll happily get you started.

When I visited my other pink neighbor Nana, she asked me to catch a peacock for her! Unfortunately, it was the day after Festivale, so I was too late to catch Pavé. 😛

Nana: Guess what, Sugar J! I've decided that I absolutely HAVE to have a peacock!

Just kidding. She wanted a peacock butterfly, even though she never mentioned the word butterfly. 😛

Saharah was in town, and she asked me for some old wallpaper. So I started asking around. Felicity told me that she had some old wallpaper the day before, but she just traded it for some slippers. That was random.

Felicity: Oh, bummer! I totally had old wallpaper yesterday, but I traded it for a pair of slippers. Don't ask.

Antonio helped me out by giving me some wallpaper, although he claimed to not know that Saharah even had a name! He said he had just called her “Eyelash Lady.”

Antonio: So, that lady... Her name is Saharah? I've been calling her Eyelash Lady! She has a name?!

Mint and Monty (M&M?) also had some old wallpaper for me, so I had the three that I needed! I took them back to Saharah, and she gave me a backgammon wall for them. I’m game for that. 😛

Saharah: Here...a backgammon wall. Very exotic... Treasure it. It is a very rare thing.

I played some more City Folk again today, and Marina told me there was a painter in town. She was talking about Wendell, of course.

Marina: I heard that there was a painter visiting our fair town. Someone saw him wandering around earlier.

It just made me think what a shame it is that Wendell’s role has diminished in recent games. In New Leaf, he only existed in dreams. And then in New Horizons, he got completely replaced by a custom designs portal. He may still show up in the Roost if you use an amiibo card, but still, that’s disappointing.

Anyway, I ran into Wendell a few moments later. I shook down the apples from a nearby tree and gave him one. He thanked me and gave me not a coloring book, but a coloring Nook.

Wendell: ...So glad I found someone good to take coloring Nook!

It’s a pattern of Tom Nook that’s not filled in. You can color it in yourself, if you’d like.

The coloring Nook pattern in Animal Crossing: City Folk.

I later spotted a peacock butterfly flying around! I caught it and took it over to Nana. (I like how they give you a few days for requests in this game.)

Nana: Oh, wow! Is that... It is! It's a peacock!

She rewarded me with a lattice wall.

Marina has been toying with the idea of moving out, but I finally got her to change her mind after about six attempts. I can’t let my 3rd favorite villager leave, especially when she just got here! And speaking of that, would you like to know where I’d rank all of my villagers? I recently ranked my villagers in all eight of my Animal Crossing towns, and you see the full lists in this video:

I also just posted my monthly recap of villager arrivals and departures in my towns. And you can see that here:

I hope to see you all next week with more! Have a great weekend!

Badminton, Groucho

When I played yesterday, Antonio told me he was over his cold. He said it felt like he just crawled out of a cave, and no one visited him while he was sick! Or if they did, they didn’t bring him any medicine!

Antonio: Almost no one came to visit, and if they did, they didn't bring anything!

Of course, that wasn’t true. I did visit him, and I gave him medicine last week. But if you only do it one time, they apparently don’t remember it. You have to do it multiple times to get credit for it. Oof.

Tonight, Antonio and Big Top were having a conversation about a competition they saw on TV. Except that Antonio thought they were talking about badminton, and Big Top thought they were talking about a pie-eating contest. 🥧🏸

Antonio: What do you mean what does badminton have to do with anything?
Well, I guess they both get served?

I found a new house in the northeast part of town, so that meant that Ruby’s replacement had moved in. It’s Groucho the cranky bear…not exactly one of my favorites. And why does it seem like so many bears are cranky?

Groucho: Huh? How did you get in here?

He previously lived in Forest back in 2017, for just about two months. Hopefully this stint in town is just as short.

I went over to the Roost, but I was a bit too early for the concert.

K.K.: I'm hitting the stage for a live gig at 8:00 tonight, you dig?

Once 8:00 rolled around, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He performed K.K. Metal for me.