Throne Sweet Throne

Tom Nook had a very special item for sale today: a throne! And at just 640,000 bells, too. What a bargain! 😉

Tom Nook: Just 640,000 bells! Don't miss out on it, friend! You want it, yes?

Even though I joke, that actually is a discounted price. It’s originally 800k, and I saw it for 720k in 2012, when I was a gold member. (I became a platinum member in 2014.)

Since I still needed the throne for my catalog, I decided to buy it! Tom Nook doesn’t accept the shopping card though, so I had to get some money out of the bank. But the throne is now mine, and I put it in my house.

Sitting on my new throne.

I believe the throne is the most expensive furniture item in the game, although the crowns cost even more. The only bad thing is that my bank account balance has now dipped below 53 million bells again.

When I visited Gaston, he asked me if I would catch him a dab in exchange for shaving off his mustache. 😉

Gaston: Do you mind tossing a good dab my way, if I shave?

Actually that’s just his catchphrase, so he really wasn’t offering to lose the ‘stache. So I denied his dab request. 😛

Since it’s Saturday night, I decided to catch K.K. Slider’s show at The Roost. He performed K.K. Parade for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Parade.

I wrapped up my night by delivering a sky wall from Tom to my newest neighbor, Harry. Tom then rewarded me with some different wallpaper, a classic wall.

See you all next time! 🙂

Hairy Hairy Hippo

Big Top’s replacement has moved into town today, and I am very disappointed. It’s Harry, the hairy, hairy hippo. He’s one of the ugliest villagers in the entire series, if you ask me.

Harry: Huh? How did you get in here?

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a good-mood song. He played K.K. Country for me. Not exactly my first choice, but it was okay.

K.K.: Here's a peppy number that'll make you flip. This one's called K.K. Country.

Back outside, Gaston asked me for a new catchphrase. I told him to say “if I shave.” 😆 He would be near-unrecognizable without that mustache.

Gaston: Thanks to you, I feel like a new animal, if I shave!

At the shop, I decided to buy some candy. Halloween is coming up in just over a week. I may just participate again this year.

Tom Nook: Yes, a red candy. It costs 320 bells.

Grizzly’s Heart Attack

It’s Saturday night, so I checked out K.K. Slider’s show at the Roost tonight. He performed K.K. Jazz for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Jazz.
I guess that makes me Jazzy Jeff.

When I checked my mail, I found Big Top’s goodbye letter. It’s sad to see him go, but we will probably meet again in one game or another.

Dear Jeff, It's almost time for me to leave Forest. 'Cause of you, every day I lived here was tons of fun. Thanks for everything! -From Big Top

Moments later, I bought some medicine for a sick villager. And from this screenshot, I don’t think you can quite tell who it is (if you didn’t know who my current villagers are, at least).

Vladimir flips as he takes his medicine.

But yes, it was Vladimir. 😛

When I spoke to Grizzly….you know, the big, bad grizzly bear that could easily eat me…he got scared by me! He asked me not to give him a heart attack when I say hi. 😆

Grizzly: Whew... Do me a favor. From now on, try not to give me a HEART ATTACK when you say hi!
“Heart attack never stopped old Big Bear.”

You can see my cat constellation in the background there. 😺