Bear Trap

Boomer was telling me an idea he had for a comic book tonight. It’s about a boy named Darling who is in charge of goats that try to eat his shoes.

Boomer: Even though darling is just a little dude, he's in charge of all the goats in the whole village.

“Darling” also saved the town from an evil wizard. 😛

It was around 11:00 p.m. when I played, and Tom was getting really tired. But the best part was the face he was making. 😂

Tom: What was I thinking, skipping my afternoon nap? Staying up tonight is gonna be tough, me-YOWZA.

At the Roost, I asked K.K. Slider for a random song. He played K.K. Ragtime for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Ragtime.

I listened in on a villager conversation, and Grizzy told Goldie she had something icky on her face! 😮

Grizzly: Goldie, there's something icky on your face, grrr...

Goldie got worried, and she tried to get the mysterious icky thing off her face. But then Grizzly admitted he was just talking about her nose. That made Goldie depressed, and Grizzly just thought he was so funny. So I decided to show Grizzly what funny really is, and I set a bear trap. 😛

Grizzly struggles to get out of a pitfall.
Don’t mess with Goldie.

He wasn’t happy about “falling” into a pitfall, but he deserved it.

Grizzly: Grrrr! Why does everyone around here have to act like such a chump? Grrr...?!

Three Cranky Bears

Autumn is officially here now (in the northern hemisphere), so Mom sent me a letter talking about the fall. It is a nice time of year. 🍂

Dear Jeff, The days are cooling down, and the leaves are just starting to change color. For some reason, it makes me feel a little sentimental. I should write a poem. -Mom

Wart Jr.’s replacement has moved in, and it’s Grizzly the cranky grizzly bear.

Grizzly: Wait a minute, who are you? Were you in one of these boxes? Oh, you live in this town?

I’m fairly neutral towards Grizzly, but his presence does seem a bit redundant when I already have Curt (another cranky bear) in town. Not to mention Vladimir, who is a cranky bear cub! Do I really need three cranky bears in a town of ten villagers? I don’t think so! And I don’t particularly care for any of them.

But when I took stock of my villagers, I realized the problem is even bigger than that. I also have Tom (a cranky cat), Gaston (a cranky rabbit), and Apollo (a cranky eagle). That means 60% of my residents are cranky villagers!

If you’re wondering, my non-cranky villagers are Goldie, Big Top, Queenie, and Boomer. So that means my town is 80% male, too. This is probably as unbalanced as my town has ever been. I need to start getting rid of these cranky bears ASAP.

Anyway, I went up to the Roost for tonight’s Saturday night performance. I wanted to tell K.K. I was feeling “cranky,” but the closest option was to say I felt grumpy. 😂 So K.K. Slider played Rockin’ K.K. in an attempt to cheer me up. 😛

K.K.: I've got the tune to nix that frown and kick it clean out of town. It's a little ditty called Rockin' K.K.

After making my rounds, I went out to the city and decided to take in a show at the Marquee. Camofrog was the only one in the audience besides me, and he rudely told me to hurry up and take my seat. Great, another cranky animal.

Camofrog: It's about to start! Stop wandering around like a lost kitten and take your seat, ten-hut!
Who’s talking to me? I don’t see anyone there.

Dr. Shrunk was performing “Laughter,” and the show sucked, as usual. The only one doing any laughing was Shrunk himself.

Shrunk: Have I ever got a serious case of the giggles today!

He laughed all the way to the bank, after conning me out of 800 bells. 😛

After Hours

I received Wart Jr.’s goodbye letter in the mail today. In the letter, he advised me to keep my ears clean. Maybe that will help prevent future Warts. 😉

Jeff, I've made up my mind to move out of Forest. This place is great, and I'm gonna be sad to leave it, but it's time to move on! Keep your ears clean, kid! -Wart Jr.

The Bug-Off stand was set up outside of town hall, but Nat was already gone for the night by the time I got there.

Big Top was sick with a cold (and a trunk full of mucus), so I gave him some medicine. Let’s hope he gets better soon.

Big Top: By dose is so stopped up, it's like I'b wearing a bag od by head. A bag full of pudding! ACHOO!

The recycle bin at town hall had a robo-bed inside, so I took it and placed it in my attic. Now I can power down and put myself into sleep mode. 🤖

A robo-bed in my attic.

Even though K.K. Slider was in town tonight, I played much too late to check out his show. Villagers were still talking about him, though.

Apollo: You know K.K. Slider puts on a little show on Saturday nights in the cafe, right?

In fact, it was after 1 a.m., and even Redd’s shop in the city was closed.

Aw, shoot! We're closed! Business hours are 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 A.M. -The Management