Friday Night Forest 4/15/11

T.Zelda and Bushido came to visit tonight. TZ brought a new pattern she made, a ninja from the old Final Fantasy games. TZ and Bushy tried to kill each other a lot, and Bushy kept trying to hide from her. Eventually he found a good spot where TZ couldn’t find him. I found him though, in Del’s house. We got disconnected shortly after that though. We ended up having a short, five-minute fishing competition.

Jeff: 7 fish. Bushido: 4 fish. T Zelda: 6 fish.Nobody seems to like my current path, saying it’s not appropriate for springtime. TZ and Bushy were even arguing over which colors I should use for my path. I’m undecided still, but lately I’m feeling too lazy when it comes to ACCF to make any big changes like that right now. Eventually, perhaps. 😛

Hide and Seek

While making my daily rounds, I ran into Bob, who wanted to play a game of hide and seek, along with Pango and Rhonda.

Bob: If we play hide-and-seek, you'll never find me now! But just to be sure...let's play once, in the box!Since I failed miserably the last time I played hide and seek, I wanted to make sure I succeeded this time. Bob was the first one I found, hiding behind a tree near the museum.

Bob hides behind a tree during a game of hide-and-seek in ACCF.

I also found Pango hiding behind the bulletin board.

Pango peeks out from behind the bulletin board during hide-and-seek in Animal Crossing: City Folk.It took me longer to find Rhonda, but I did eventually find her hiding behind a tree behind Bob’s house. But I found them all with 2 and a half minutes to spare. And Bob rewarded me with steel flooring.

Bob: We're no match for you and your X-ray vision, Mr. J!Anyway, in some parts of town, I have removed my path to allow flowers more room to breed. I’m toying with the idea of removing my paths altogether and just having natural dirt paths. Any thoughts or suggestions about that?

Dirt paths on my dead end.As for my flowers, I found two new black roses today. Actually one of them I didn’t even notice at first, probably because my mind was on finding Bob, Rhonda, and Pango. But I did find it when I walked by that area again. It’s Friday, and that means tonight is my Wi-Fi night. So I may have another entry late tonight (after midnight most likely). But I’ll end this blog with a picture of me giving Del a little something to drink.

Sprinkling some water from my watering can, off the cliff, and onto Del below.

Fox & Otter

It’s Wednesday and that means Crazy Redd has new items, so I took the bus to the city to check them out. He had a cabana chair, a scenic painting, and a mini-lamp.

Crazy Redd's items for sale: a cabana chair, a scenic painting, and a mini-lamp.I wasn’t interested in any of those, so I made my way back to Forest. While walking around, I saw Pascal on my southern bridge.

Pascal: Hey, hook an otter up with a scallop, would ya, man?I gave him a scallop and he gave me a ship cannon. I also saw a balloon present and shot it down and found it contained a koopa shell. Of course I didn’t need it, since I already have one on my second floor. I then finished up my walk around town. Unfortunately, no new black roses appeared today.