Construction Zone

Yesterday (Friday), I went bug-hunting and earned 174k in a 53-minute session.

Today, I got to see inside of Vladimir’s house for the first time since he unpacked. He has a lot of construction equipment in here, including an arrow that points to an empty corner just beyond a cone. I’m guessing that’s where he uses the toilet, and that traffic cone keeps him from stepping in anything accidentally. (TMI?)

The inside of Vladimir's house in Animal Crossing: City Folk (ACCF).
He goes to the corner to do his putin‘.

Tom floated the idea of moving out of town, but I promptly shot down his request.

Tom: And moving's such a hassle, anyway. All right, you've convinced me. I'll stay in Forest!

Because I was playing after midnight, I missed out on two of today’s events: The Bug-Off (which ended at 6 p.m.), and K.K. Slider’s concert (which I missed by about 15 minutes). Oh well.

Over by town hall, Goldie offered me a stroller. Does she seem to think I have a kid on the way? 😛

Goldie: Say... Darling, do you have any interest in a stroller? It's free, woof woof!

As much as I hate to say it, the summer bug season is starting to wind down! There’s only a week and a half until August ends, so I made sure to do some more bug-hunting tonight. But of course, I still stop to fish when I see a shark fin, or a huge fish in the river. I caught this arapaima tonight.

I caught an arapaima! It's a
It’s a what? Don’t keep me in suspense! 😛

Curt had been using “awwwk” as a catchphrase, which originally belonged to Queenie the ostrich. So when he asked me for a new one, I jumped at the chance. This certainly isn’t the best choice, but I just wanted something new and different; so I told him to say “on toast.”

Curt: Thanks to you, I feel like a new animal, on toast!

Tonight’s 50-minute session resulted in 139k bells earned. My account balance is now over 52.7 million bells, so I need less then 300k in the next ten days to reach my goal. Not a problem. 😎

Vladimir Moved In

I played some City Folk late on Sunday night, after the fireworks festival had already ended. But even though the show was over, the fireworks were still on everyone’s minds.

Goldie: Oh, darling, now that the fireworks are over, how do I get the sparkle in my life, woof woof?

They all had glowing reviews of the fireworks. Tom even said that he had nine summers worth of fun in one night! Is this a reference to cats having nine lives? 🐱

Tom: I sure did...and not just one, either. I had enough fun for nine summers, me-YOWZA!

Of course, my main reason for playing at that hour was to get some extra bug-catching in. It was going well too. At one point, I caught four rare bugs (worth a total of 32,000 bells) in a 36-second span! I even made my first Youtube Shorts video to show it off:

In total, I earned over 200,000 bells in just a 55-minute session! And in the process, my bank account balance topped 52 million bells. I still need another million to go by September 1st to meet my goal, but I can DO IT! 😉

Yesterday (Monday), I received Marcel’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Dear Jeff, Moving day is finally here, and I keep thinking of the fun times we had. Those memories are what I'll take with me to my new town, not just boxes and stuff. I'll miss you! -Marcel

I also got a letter from Boomer, who is over his cold now. He sent me a hearth to thank me.

My Monday bug-hunting didn’t go as well as Sunday’s. Even though my session was a bit longer, I only earned about 165k. That’s not bad, but it shows how lucky I was on Sunday.

Today, Marcel’s replacement moved in: Vladimir the cranky bear cub.

Vladimiar: Huh? How did you get in here?
Why? Are you russian to get rid of me?

I’ll always remember him as being my frenemy in the early days of my GameCube town. He lived near the ocean, in the spot where Ursala lives now (where one rude pink bear replaced another). 😛

In a 45-minute session tonight, I earned another 150,000+ bells. And with these past three days, I think I’m back on track towards meeting my goal. 👍🏼

See you next week!

Marcel Marches Out

Yesterday, Queenie told me that she heard Blathers going on and on about fossils. (No surprise there.) Even though she didn’t relate to the fossil love, she appreciated his attention to detail.

Queenie: He loves info tidbits as much as I love berry crumble.

Marcel informed me that he’s going to be moving out of town! I didn’t say a word about changing his mind.

Marcel: Hey, J-rock, I know this is kinda sudden, but I have to move out of Forest.

Of my 1-hour 15-minute Friday night session, one hour was spent bug hunting. And in that time, I earned about 160,000 bells. I would have played longer, but I was falling asleep and I needed a nap. 😛

I only spotted one shark the whole time… and a mosquito bit me just before I had a chance to reel it in. Oof.

Boomer was sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine yesterday, and then again today.

Boomer: I don't feel so good. I don't even feel like eating... I'm scared, human!

Tonight was K.K. Slider night, and the singing dog performed “Only Me” again. That’s the same song he played two weeks ago!

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Only Me.

To my surprise, Marcel was already packed up in boxes today! He sure wasn’t clowning around about moving!

Marcel: It's been a blast. I'll keep my memories of Forest forever, like ratty, old stuffed animals.

Apollo wanted a new greeting, but I didn’t want to bother thinking up something. But I was mildly amused by how he looked so much bigger than me (because I was standing down in the sand). 😛

Apollo: Boss. Can I talk at ya for a sec?

But when Wart Jr. had the same request, I told him to say “Pop my warts.” 😛

Wart Jr.: Heh... Pop my warts!! I can feel myself sounding like a nicer person already!

In my one-hour, 45-minute session tonight, I earned more than 220,000 bells. I’m still a long way from my summer goal though, so I’ll be back at the bug-hunt grind soon!