As I was walking along a clifftop tonight, I saw Tom walking down below. I couldn’t resist sprinkling him with some water from my water can. 😁

I like Tom, and he’s my buddy. But even friends have to mess with each other from time to time. 😛
K.K. Slider was at the Roost tonight for his usual Saturday night performance. He played K.K. Marathon for me. I’ve grown to hate this song; it’s so slow and boring! It’s one of my least favorite K.K. songs.

When I visited Marcel, he was standing in front of his lucky cat and just staring into its eyes. It was kind of weird.

In the city, I ran into my one-time villager Avery. He was talking about the coins that people throw into the fountain, and he kind of wanted to go pull them all out. 😛

Because of the late hour, he was the only animal in the city. So he probably could have gotten away with it if he tried. 😛
See you all next time!