I started up the game tonight, and I was disappointed to see that Nook’s Cranny was already closed. It was nice having Resident Services open 24 hours, and it still is… but with Timmy and Tommy moved to the store, now I’m having trouble buying things. I hope this game has something similar to the night owl ordinance like in New Leaf.
The good news is that I can still sell things by using the drop-off box. Unfortunately, Timmy and Tommy take 20% of the total amount as a handling fee…so that’s still not ideal, especially for valuable items.
Anyway, I looked through my recipes closer and saw that log stakes are indeed listed. They just look different (they’re sharpened to a point, unlike the logs shown in the bridge construction kit project). But they’re the right things! So I went out to gather wood.
Down on the beach, I ran into Saharah for the first time! How fitting that she showed up on hump day.

In New Horizons, she sells rugs, wallpaper, and flooring. I bought a wallpaper and flooring (for 3,000 bells each), and she gave me a construction-site wall and a lobby flooring. What I really like is that you can keep buying from her repeatedly in this game.
After I collected the lumber I needed, I built the bridge construction kit. I placed it just east of the museum, so it will provide access to the east coast of my island. It should be completed tomorrow.

When I dug up the daily glowing spot, my pockets were full. And there was no option to put the money away, so I canceled out…and ended up making another money tree sapling by mistake!
Shari informed me that tomorrow is Louie’s birthday! I better remember to get a present for the big ape.

When I returned to Tom Nook, he had three housing kits for me. He expects me to not only place the three kits around town, but to furnish each one with furniture, both inside and out! Are you kidding me? That’s a lot of work…and it’s work that Tom Nook should be doing! I’m not his employee!
I started out by placing the three plots; I put them all in the eastern part of town.

Now I just need to furnish the houses. Each house needs three indoor items and three outdoor items. That’s a total of 18 pieces of furniture! And it all needs to be crafted, so I’m going to need a ton of lumber for this task. This seems a bit overwhelming, and it seems like tedious busywork to be honest.
However, there is something good that came from this. Tom Nook informed me that one of the items I need is a flower wreath, which can be made from flowers up on the cliffs. So he gave me a recipe to make my own ladder! Yes!
With this, I can now finally explore the rest of my town! The cliffs, the waterfalls, and my upper pond, all within reach at last!

I made three of the 18 items, but the rest will have to wait for another day. Have a great day (or night), and I hope to see you again tomorrow!
If you’d like to see my latest New Horizons video, here it is. It shows highlights from days 3 and 4. (The videos aren’t as up-to-date as the blog entries).