I started off my day by crafting a slingshot. Believe it or not, I haven’t made one until now. So I’ll finally be able to shoot down those balloon presents!
My town bridge is now complete, and I attended the opening ceremony for it. Yay for connecting land.

Today is Louie’s birthday, so I bought a tambourine for him at Nook’s Cranny. I then headed over to the party; Louie and Shari were all dressed up for the occasion.

I gave Louie the tambourine, and he seemed to enjoy it. He said we’ll be friends for life.
While exploring up on my cliffs, I realized I could use the ladder even on the backs of cliffs. So this allowed me to visit my private, northern beach for the first time.

Near Resident Services, I shot down my first balloon present. I found a wall-mounted phone inside.

After gathering materials, I started crafting furniture that I needed for the three house plots. I finished off Plot #1, and then Plot #3.

I returned to Tom Nook, and he told me we could have a new villager as soon as tomorrow! He told me the name of the villager would be posted to the sign for that plot. So I nervously headed over to the plot to see if the name was displayed yet. And…it was. I was not happy.

Marcel the clown dog is moving in! I do not like villagers that look like clowns or mimes, and Marcel is even uglier than Shari! Ugh! Maybe I should rename Forest, and call it Clown Town. Or maybe I can craft a cannon and shoot them out of it, into the ocean.
This is starting to remind me of the early days of New Leaf Forest. Not only did my town start out with Harry (ugly), Rory (ugly), and Yuka (my mortal enemy), but then Tex (ugly) also moved in! I’m almost afraid to see who will be next.
In case you’re curious, here’s an updated version of Forest’s map:

I spotted another balloon present and shot it down. There was a magnetic knife rack inside. Kind of risky to put knives in a balloon, isn’t it? I hung the knife rack on my wall; I may need quick access to the knives with all these clowns running around.
Wisp was in town again, so I collected his five spirits. His reward tonight was clothing, and I chose something expensive instead of something new. He gave me a pilot’s hat.

Another message bottle was on the beach, and it contained a DIY recipe for a hedge standee.
I ran out of iron nuggets, so I didn’t complete Plot #2 yet. I’ll probably do that tomorrow. But I did manage to pay off my debt to Tom Nook before I ended my game for the night. My house will be bigger tomorrow.
But the most exciting thing about tomorrow is that I’ll be hosting my first Friday Night Forest! It starts at 10 p.m. Eastern (U.S.) time, which is 7 p.m. Pacific. Anyone on my friend roster is welcome. I’m not looking to add new friends now, unless it’s someone that I already know. But it should be fun, and I’m hoping to have my first Wi-Fi Moments video up on Saturday.
See you tomorrow! And Never Stop Crossing!