In Tom Nook’s announcements, he informed me that Resident Services is upgrading to a new building (town hall)! It won’t be open until the day after tomorrow, but that’s okay. It’s nice to see more progress being made in town!
I had two letters from Timo, who came to Friday Night Forest. She sent me 20 pitfall seeds! Wow! Thank you so much! I buried one and dug it back up to learn the recipe.

I also received my first rating from the Happy Home Academy. They gave me 7,221 points, and a “B” rank. They sent me an ironing board as my reward. (Hey, that rhymed).
There was a throwback wrestling figure for sale at Nook’s Cranny today, and it’s really big! It’s as big as Timmy and Tommy!

Mabel was selling clothes and accessories at the plaza again today, and I bought some pleather sneakers from her. They look a lot better than the slip-on loafers I was wearing.
Thanks to tips from Kaleb, Max Powers, and Trainiax in yesterday’s entry, I bought the “Pocket Organization Guide” from the Nook Stop in Resident Services to expand my storage to 30 items. That’s a big relief. Thanks, guys! If the name of it wasn’t so vague, I might have bought it sooner. I just didn’t realize what it was!
Today, I learned that sickness is back in New Horizons. Louie was sick with a cold, and he was wearing a Santa hat for some reason. I bought some medicine for him. I noticed that villagers now spin around horizontally, rather than doing a flip, as they take their medicine. He gave me a fishing vest as thanks. Get well soon, D.K.!

I made sure to introduce myself to my new favorite villager who just moved in, Agent S!

I like that the outside of her house is blue, just like her outfit.
Also, I kept hearing an occasional ringing or jingling sound in my town, and I didn’t know what it was. It was starting to annoy me! But as I took a picture of Agent S’s house, I saw the source: shooting stars! And yes, I pressed the A button to wish on one.

Today’s bottle message came from Dom, and it contained a recipe for a bamboo wall decoration. A balloon present I shot down contained a writing chair.
When I ran into Shari, she laughed in my face! But that was a good thing, because she taught me the laughter reaction! That’s the one I’ve been waiting for! Thanks, Shari!

I also visited Midge, and she was crafting. When I spoke with her, she gave me a DIY recipe for a wooden toolbox.
Now that I have pitfall seeds, and the means to make even more of them, I decided to make a change to my passport. My new title is Late-Night Troublemaker! Very fitting.

I rearranged my benches into a new position. I’m probably going to have Friday Night Forest again this week, at the same time (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific).
At the plaza, Shari was singing again. Marcel came over and sat down next to her, and he seemed to enjoy it? But then again, the smile on his face is painted on, so it’s hard to know for sure.

I gave Kelly and Jorge a couple pitfalls before wrapping up my night. See you next time!