The incline leading down to Sudden Valley has been completed. Here’s an updated look at it. I still need to put more Arrested Development themed items down here, so this area will improve over time.

When I checked my mail, I was surprised to see that Keaton sent me a famous painting (the Mona Lisa) in the mail!

Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. Blathers informed me that it was a fake. A Phony Lisa. Well, at least I got 500 Nook Miles for acquiring my first forgery. So… yay?
Cube the penguin was camping at the campsite today. I noticed that his sleeping bag was the same colors as him!

I like Cube, so I asked him to move into town. But he declined. I wondered if it was because I didn’t have an open house plot, so I decided I would install one. More on this later…
I got my first look at Horsby’s house, now that he has unpacked. It’s not exactly the nicest house, but at least he’s trying to keep it clean.

Near the sumo ring, Agent S taught me the sleepy reaction. I think it’s working, because I just yawned. Don’t catch my yawn!

Saharah was in town, so I bought a mysterious wallpaper and a mysterious flooring from her, for 3,000 bells each. I was very happy with my purchases: The dark-chocolates flooring looked awesome and delicious! The laboratory wall was even more impressive, because it was my first animated wallpaper! You can see bubbles rising through the water!

I later purchased a house plot, and Tom Nook confirmed it will be the last one I can install. I put it north of Nook’s Cranny, just a bit southwest of Shari’s house.
With that done, I returned to Cube at the campsite. He wanted to play a game to see if he would move in. It was a card game, similar to the ones in the GameCube game…except this time, it actually shows the cards.

I lost, but I tried again…several times. I kept losing repeatedly, so I eventually gave up. Even though I like Cube, he’s not quite in my top tier of villagers, so I didn’t want to keep playing all night for him. If it was Puck, I would have kept trying. But it just seemed like Cube wasn’t ready for Forest. Oh well. Perhaps another time.
I used the island designer app to make a small change to my layout. I just carved out a chunk of the back of the mountain, so that you can reach Sudden Valley from my northeast beach. Just follow the path and walk onto the rocks to get there. I only had to cut away four spaces, so it was a quick little “surgery,” but it is a convenient way to get through.

I also prepared a spot for a new lighthouse I just ordered, but I’ll show that next time. I just spent the rest of my time meeting some Nook Miles+ goals for extra miles. I still haven’t finished up my obstacle course, but I will do that soon.
Here is my latest New Horizons video, showing the fishing tournament and Bunny Day festivities from earlier this month.