Day 13: Zipper

The Happy Home Academy sent me a rice cooker in the mail to celebrate the new addition to my house. I also got a letter from Gulliver, who sent me a lucky cat. In addition, Marlie sent me 10 pitfall seeds. Thank you, Marlie! šŸ˜€

At town hall, Tom Nook informed me that my new loan is 348,000 bells. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be in a rush to pay that one off. The campsite opened today, so I made sure to attend the completion ceremony. Wish me luck on my first camper! šŸ˜›

Party poppers fire off at the completion ceremony for the campsite.

April is here now, and so is cherry blossom season! While the number of cherry blossom petals is greatly reduced from previous games, you can now catch them with your net! Iā€™ve heard you can craft things with them, but I havenā€™t received any recipes for them so far.

This cherry-blossom petal is so lovely! Pink is really its color!

Today is also the start of the lead-up to Bunny Day (Easter). Zipper T. Bunny was in town, but not where I expected. Instead of at the plaza, he was hiding up on the mountain! Well, the highest cliff.

Zipper: It's almost Bunny Day! Hop-hop-hooray! That's my favorite time to come out and play!
So come out of your costume and play!

Zipper told me there are six types of eggs around the island, and he gave me a recipe for a Bunny Day bed I can craft with the eggs I find. There are other DIY recipes hidden around the island.

That's an egg, not a fish! What should I do with it...

He also told me to bring the eggs back to him. However, nothing happened when I did. I tried eating one to see if there was a ticket inside (like in previous games), but it was empty. The only thing it did was increase my powerā€¦and I later accidentally destroyed todayā€™s money rock because of it. šŸ˜€

He said if I find and craft all of the DIY recipes, Iā€™ll get a super present from him. So I guess I have to craft them all, but that line about bringing the eggs back to him seems like a mistake at this point. Unless he needs them later on? This is just the first day (of twelve), so maybe more will be revealed later on.

The six types of eggs are water eggs (found by fishing), leaf eggs (shaken down from trees), stone eggs from banging rocks, earth eggs (buried underground), sky eggs (from balloon presents), and wood eggs (from chopping trees).

The fact that there are no deep sea eggs (as in New Leaf) seems to confirm that New Horizons doesnā€™t have any swimming or diving. šŸ™ Thatā€™s rather disappointing, especially since the game takes place on an island.

I decided to add a bridge to town, but I was unable to put one in this spot.

I was unable to put a bridge here in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Perhaps Iā€™ll have to wait until I can make changes to the land. Iā€™ll just need to add one square of land for the bridge to fit there. šŸ™„ So for now, I put it further upstream. I just didnā€™t pay it off yet.

I got recipes for a Bunny Day stool and Bunny Day fence from balloon presents, and I later crafted them (and the bed recipe from Zipper). The fence is meant to be outdoors, so thatā€™s why itā€™s just a generic fence icon when dropped indoors.

My first three crafted Bunny Day items.

Wisp was in town tonight, and I recovered his five spirits for him. In return, he gave me a white-brick wall.

Midge was enjoying a drink under a tree, but she had an itching problem. I solved the problem by catching my first flea.

Midge: Thanks for grabbit it! Feels like a weight's been lifted, tweedledee.
Midge had an itch.

I ran into Agent S with a curious wardrobe choice. She was wearing sunglasses over the visor on her helmet!

Agent S wears sunglasses over her helmet and visor in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH).

I finished off my night by crafting a barrel for Donkey Kong. I mean, Louie. In return, he gave me a parka dress? Maybe he doesnā€™t appreciate the D.K. references. So I left his house before he got out his coconut gun. (If he shoots ya, itā€™s gonna hurt!) šŸ˜›

Have a great day, and Iā€™ll see you tomorrow! šŸ™‚

Update: Here is my latest New Horizons video.

10 thoughts on ā€œDay 13: Zipperā€

  1. Iā€™ve just found out that your first camper (a smug villager) is a forced move in, unfortunately. Hopefully you get someone good. I got Kyle!

  2. Iā€™m still loving New Horizons so far, but Bunny Day is such a pain in this game! I donā€™t think it really qualifies as an Easter egg ā€˜huntā€™ anymore if the eggs appear virtually everywhere for a solid twelve days. I wonder if I could have Tom Nook fine Zipper for illegal dumping and disrupting the islandā€™s ecosystem šŸ˜…

    Iā€™ve been really enjoying your ACNH blogging, Jeff! Have a happy 12 days of Bunny Day!

      1. At this point, Iā€™m glad Zipper is one of the featured Spirits for this weekā€™s Spirit Board event in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Gives me multiple opportunities to beat the [snot] out of him (more or less)- both for the trouble heā€™s caused and his general creepiness.

  3. The same thing happened to me. Itā€™s very frustrating because of the layout I chose for my town has it divided up into four chunks: east, west, a big central island, and a small central island where I put my house. I wanted to put bridges at the two river mouths, but could only get it to fit the right way on one side. I too just need at add one measly square of land.

  4. the exact same thing happened with my bridge-plans at the beach šŸ™ Build mine upstream as well, even though I already have a bridge to cross that stream.. so I wonā€™t hurry to pay for it as well.

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