The Happy Home Academy sent me a letter today, informing me that my house scored 37,391 points. That’s “Rank S,” and they sent me a HHA pennant for topping 10,000 points.
Mabel was back at the plaza today, but not to sell anything. She informed me that she and her sister have decided to open a proper store here on the island!

She gave me the tailors construction kit, and I picked out a spot for it. I put it across the river from town hall, to the north. It’s near where I planted bamboo before.
Rizzo has officially moved into town. He mentioned that he wasn’t in Lemongrass any more. That is Marlie’s town, so he apparently hitched a ride when she came to visit for Friday Night Forest. I might want to reconsider hosting when I have an open plot in the future.

I found another lost item, and it belonged to the first person I asked out it: Louie. He thanked me and gave me some drinking-straw glasses

When I visited Midge, I saw that she was wearing glasses! Regular glasses, not the drinking-straw variety. She walked up to her chair, sat down, got out a book, and started reading! It was really cute!

Keaton taught me a new reaction today, resignation. Keaten said it’s for times when I can’t even. (Ugh.)

At town hall, I spoke with Isabelle and changed my town tune. I used one I’ve used in other games before, it’s Faraway Promise from Xenogears.

Isabelle suggested another house plot, so I bought another kit from Tom Nook. I placed it in the southwest part of town, just a bit north of the campsite.
Merka, who some of you may remember from my New Leaf Blog, came to visit me in New Horizons for the first time. She brought me a mage’s hat.

I showed her my town, and we hung out for a while.

She also invited me to check out her town, Clarity. I like her town layout, especially how the cliff extends halfway down the left side of the map.

We had a good time, and hopefully we can hang out again sometime.
One other note for today is that I finally organized my pockets. I previously wanted to straighten it up a bit, but there was no “grab” option, and the shoulder buttons didn’t grab things like they did on GameCube. But I learned that you have to hold down the A button to grab them, and then you can move them.

I guess that’s more intuitive if you’re playing in handheld mode, since it’s better suited to a touch screen. I still think a button press would be better (and quicker) for docked users, but at least there is a way to do it. My pockets were a jumbled mess for quite a while.
Here’s my latest video, showing events from Days 8-9.
Have a great day! See you tomorrow!
Oof, I am so sorry. I thought Rizzo was gone forever, but it looks like I haven’t seen the last of that crusty blue rat.
No, it’s fine! Now I can pitfall an animal without feeling bad.
Shari has been really nice to me, and Marcel seems like a nice dog if not for the clown makeup. But Rizzo just fits as the town villain, and I’m going to have some fun with him. 
Oh boy… in that case, I look forward to the antics that will ensue. I’ll try to remember to send you more pitfalls in the future.
I wish I could join but I dont have a online subscription and I have nat type d and I would probably be sleeping while your playing
Hey, I’m considering getting Nintendo Online. One question; is Friday Night Forest for friends or for everyone who manages to get in?
Right now it’s just for people already on my friend roster. I’m not looking to add anyone new right now (unless it’s someone I already know) because I already have way more people on my roster than can get in.
I may add more people in the future if it gets to the point where not many people are coming.
Hi Jeff, I really like your blogs so far. One thing I discovered about organizing is that you can speed it up a little bit by holding down A and moving an item right after (basically not waiting for the hand to pick it up). It feels a bit quicker to me.
Thanks! Yeah, that does help.