Next to the campsite today, I ran into C.J. for the first time!

He says he’s touring islands to find fresh faces and fresh fish to show off on his livestream. He pays premium prices for fish, but he also issued me a challenge: He told me to catch three “big-time” fish in a row…so I did. I caught three sea bass in a row.

When I returned to him, he offered to buy the fish. I gave him the three sea bass, and also a dace I had in my pockets, and he gave me 2,160 bells. Not bad. He also said if I wanted a realistic collectible model of a fish, I should bring him three of the same kind of fish. Interesting offer, but I didn’t take the bait this time.
I visited Marcel, and he told me he can’t wait for Bunny Day to get here, because he loves the candy eggs. I want it to arrive quickly, too…but for different reasons. I’m tired of the eggs everywhere, the constant balloon presents flying overhead, the seemingly endless number of Bunny Day recipes I’m supposed to craft, and the fact that this event drags on for 12 long days.

The Bunny Day event was introduced in City Folk, and I liked the event back then. But each subsequent game has made it more and more tedious, and the New Horizons version of Bunny Day is the worst yet, by a wide margin.
Able Sisters is under construction, so it’s not opened yet.
After collecting bells from today’s money rock, I noticed something about bells stacking. If you have over 99,999 bells, the bell bags you collect will not stack. So you won’t have one bag of 16k, you’ll still have each individual bag in your pockets.

So right after this, I went and made a 100,000 bell payment on my house, just to make some breathing room.
Louie was crafting some jungle flooring, which seemed perfect for Donkey Kong. He shared the recipe with me, so I crafted it and gave it to him! However, he didn’t install it in his house, so I was a bit disappointed.
One of the new Bunny Day recipes I got today was for a Bunny Day wardrobe. I made it, put it in my house, and used it. That unlocked the ability to edit my wand outfits. However, since I don’t have much in the way of clothing or outfits yet, I didn’t set anything up just yet.
Since my newest resident Rizzo was outdoors, I tested out some pitfall seeds by pitfalling him twice. Even though Shari and Marcel are ugly, they haven’t really felt like true villains. But I think Rizzo falls into that role quite nicely.

I decided to finally use my Nook Miles Ticket to fly to another mystery island. I found quite a few iron nuggets from the rocks here, but I also found something even better: Tia!

I had her in my New Leaf town back in 2014, when I was lucky enough to get her from a StreetPass tag! She’s a cute teapot (and elephant) and she looks better than ever in New Horizons. She should be moving in tomorrow.
I’ll back with another entry tomorrow. And if all goes well, I’ll try to post Wi-Fi Moments #2 tomorrow as well. See you then!
Where’d you get pitfall seeds? Are they actually in this game?
I got some pitfalls from some friends. Pitfall seeds themselves don’t appear randomly in the game, but the recipe does. You may get it from a bottle message, balloon present, villager, etc.–or by digging one up from a friend.
The pinecones really are in the game? I have yet to find any or acorns
Yeah, but I picked it up in a southern hemisphere town (where it’s autumn now). I didn’t even ask what it’s for (nor do I really want to know until the time comes), but I picked it up since I shook the tree and didn’t want to leave a mess behind.
Oh hey, I have all the rooms for my first floor of my house, but I don’t have an upstairs or basement yet. :<
So you actually get an upstairs and basement in this game? So much changed from just New Leaf, and for all we gained a lot was taken away.
Tomorrow, you’ll see another of your predictions come true. Well, maybe not *exactly* what you’d envisioned, but still.
Which prediction are you referring to? The remodeled Able Sisters?
Yes, that one.
Hey Jeff I don’t know if you heard but the game got another minor update today stating that they toned down the number of eggs that would appear in your island. So basically you shouldn’t be seeing many balloons and fish as eggs now until Saturday.
Good! It seems like they have to keep patching all these little things. Makes you wonder if they did much testing of the game before release.
Oh trust me, I’m sure they did lots and lots of testing. It’s just that in a game with so much functionality and so many use cases, it is a massive lift to test it all (especially in any kind of timely fashion). I say all this as a professional software tester.
Oh, no doubt it would be a huge task to test a game like this. But I think the fact that they’ve had to patch several separate glitches (the duping, the balloon presents stopping, the excessive eggs) just in the first couple weeks says a lot.
And I certainly don’t blame the testers; I just think they probably didn’t have enough time to test it as thoroughly as it needed.
Don’t get me wrong. As a huge AC fan that was dying for a new game, I’m glad they didn’t delay it another 9-12 months. But I think it’s clear this isn’t the polished, final product they envisioned when they delayed the game last year.
That’s a fair assessment!