Gulliver sent me a Stonehenge in the mail today. It’s amazing how he was able to attach it to a postcard! Also, Alex sent me a seven-ball tee. Thanks, Alex!
When I visited Louie, he taught me the DIY recipe for an iron frame! Perfect for a construction site…you know, like in Donkey Kong?
At Able Sisters, I spoke with Mabel and I noticed that it blurred out the background, including Sable! I guess that’s to put the focus on Mabel, but why would that be necessary? Let us look at Sable if we want to! 😛
One other thing I noticed is that if you dig something up with full pockets, and you’re a couple spaces from water, you can release a fish into the water! I’m pretty sure previous games didn’t let you do this when digging something up. But it’s very convenient!
Outside of town hall tonight, Midge was doing some stretches, and Shari appeared to be doing yoga poses!
Merka came over just to buy some flower seeds. As she was in the store, I buried a pitfall seed just outside the door and got my camera app out to zoom in. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bury it close enough that she would automatically fall into it. So when she came out, she saw it. I had to run out from my hiding spot and push her in. 😛
After she left, I realized I hadn’t visited Keaton yet. So I went up to his house, and I saw that he has three of these cool race-car beds in his house! They even honk when you lie down in them!
But never mind the cars, let’s talk about the henge. While up on the cliff, I looked for a good place to put my Stonehenge. The top level of town doesn’t have a lot of room (especially with Keaton’s house there), but I put it on the lower-level cliff.
I like the spot, but it may not be perfect. But that’s okay, because it’s basically furniture and can be moved easily if needed.
Wisp was in town, so I collected his spirits for him. For my reward, I asked for something new instead of something expensive. So he gave me some faux-fur ankle booties. Well, that’s certainly something new.
Have a good night, and may your booties be furry. Wait, scratch that last part. 😛