Treasure Hunt

Claudia has officially moved into town today. And I officially do not like her. šŸ˜›

Claudia: And who might you be? A pleasure to meet you. I just moved here today myself. Call me Claudia.

She instantly becomes my 2nd-least favorite villager; only Rizzo is worse. Claudia didnā€™t mention coming from another town, so maybe she was just a random move-in. But if she mentions a previous town she lived in, Iā€™ll be sure to post it in a future entry.

I paid off Lloid, so that my new bridge can be completed by tomorrow. šŸ™‚

Lloid: May I have 1 bell as a donation, friend?

Over by my first bridge, Marcel taught me a new reaction: bashfulness.

I learned the Bashfulness Reaction! Uhuhuhuhuh...

I also inquired at town hall about moving Tiaā€™s house. I wasnā€™t sure if it could be done when the bridge was unfinished, but it can! Tom Nook just needed 50,000 bells to do it.

Tom Nook: Around here our motto is 'You want it? You fund it!' So let's try this again when you have the money.

We had to check with Tia, but of course, she was fine with it. In fact, a little too fine with it.

Tia: Moving my entire home sounds like it'd be thrilling! I'd love to have you move it, oh banana.

Iā€™m making her move her entire house, just about 20 feet away, and sheā€™s thrilled with it? Theyā€™re such pushovers in this game. Why canā€™t she at least be a bit annoyed by the inconvenience? Let me just say that Iā€™m not a fan of the dialogue in New Horizons. In fact, from what Iā€™ve seen of the game so far, Iā€™d say the dialogue is the worst in the series.

Anyway, I found Midge on the beach, with a thought bubble above her head. She asked if I wanted to play a treasure-hunting game! I sure do!

Midge: How'd you like to play a treasure-hunting game with me right now?

The original GameCube game had treasure hunts, where an animal would bury an item somewhere in town. They would post a message on the bulletin board telling which acre to look for it in. This is a bit different, since the villager doesnā€™t give any hintsā€¦but they do give you a time limit to find it. Midge gave me six minutes, but I only needed about one.

I found treasure!

When I returned it to Midge, she gave me a do-rag as a prize.

Midge: Jeff, your prize is a do-rag!

I later ran into Wisp on the cliff, and I collected his five spirits for him. When I returned them, I asked Wisp for something new.

Wisp: OK! You got it! Something new... Something you don't have yet...

So I was surprised that he, too, gave me a do-rag!

Wisp: Here, have... a do-rag!

Wisp must be a liar, because his ā€œexpensiveā€ rewards arenā€™t expensive (remember my cardboard box?), and his ā€œnewā€ rewards arenā€™t new.

After that, I began working on my obstacle course for a while. Iā€™m having a lot of fun making it! I got it at least half-way done, but I could only build as far as Tiaā€™s house. (It will apparently be moved by tomorrow morning).

Have a great day, and Iā€™ll see you next time!

18 thoughts on ā€œTreasure Huntā€

    1. Anyone already on my Switch friend roster is welcome at Friday Night Forest, but Iā€™m not currently looking to add anyone new.

    1. I donā€™t think you can force it to happen, but make sure you talk to an animal if you see them walking around with a thought bubble above their head.

  1. Sadly, villagers will move in randomly if you donā€™t choose someone in time, even in the 10th spot. I was doing about 5 NMI per day to try to get Boots but then Vladimir decided to waltz in uninvited.

  2. Iā€™ve found that the dialogue gets semi-interesting if you talk to them about 3-4 times. This is how I get favors sometimes.

    Also, does Wisp scare you because he scared the mess out of me when I saw him just below my house. *shudder*

  3. It may have been a different color do-rag, to be fair.

    Speaking of Wisp, one of my neighbors said she had felt ā€œan EERIE presenceā€ (yes, with the all-caps). I wondered if she was implying Wisp was around, and though he was nowhere near the neighbor in question he sure enough was on my island.

  4. Something that annoys me is how much clothing the villagers give you, especially since theyā€™re all fairly available at Able Sisters. Iā€™ve started to give back the clothing to the villager so it doesnā€™t clutter my inventory but now I find that I have some pretty wacky color combos walking across my town haha. For Wisp, it was probably a different color do-rag that wasnā€™t in your catalog, hence ā€œnewā€?

    1. Ah, so differently colored items with the exact same name count as separate items? This could be confusing, especially for colorblind people. If they count as separate items, I wish they had different names (blue do-rag, green do-rag, etc.). Well, thanks for the explanation, Cindy (and Anonymous too)!

      1. Despite me definitely agreeing it would be confusing, in the Nook shopping app it does say in the bottom corner the colour of the item. But iā€™m loving ur blog entry so far XD

      2. The different color idea with out calling it that was a pain I once bought a blue parka from mable then she had a black which I preferred so I bought that and then a couple days a go she had a space parka which I bought what Iā€™m saying is thereā€™s to many color variations

  5. Wispā€™s rewards really make me not want to bother searching for his spirit ballsā€¦ it seems like a pain in the butt for no actual reward.

  6. I ran into Wisp for the first time tonight. I started playing March 27th. Guess Iā€™ve been unlucky lmao.

    1. I havenā€™t encountered him once, and Iā€™ve been playing since launch. also havenā€™t seen a shooting star since my 5th or 6th day, so I guess I just have bad luck.

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