Even though Blathers didn’t mention it yesterday, the museum was indeed closed for construction today. Ditto for the Nooklings’ shop, although that one I already knew about. At any rate, it will be nice to have both buildings expanded and reopened tomorrow.

Tia surprised me by saying that days like today were just made for break dancing! Hey, if Nintendo can program villagers to do aerobics and yoga, why not break dancing? I mean, who wouldn’t want to see a break dancing teapot elephant? Now that would be funny to see!

The campground was moved to its new location, and I found a camper inside: Cranston the ostrich. He’s okay, I guess, but I did not invite him into town. I typically only invite a camper (or mystery island animal) into my town if it’s someone I really, strongly like. It may be a risky move (especially with the possibility of getting someone’s reject after Friday Night Forest), but I’ll take the risk.

At Able Sisters, Sable told me she had a gift for me! It was some patterned fabric. I can now use her patterns when I customize furniture. Thanks, Sable!

While I was there, I also bought a paintball mask. I thought it looked like the helmet that the Doom guy wears.
I bought another Nook Miles Ticket, and Deli the monkey was at the mystery island. I’m generally not a fan of the monkeys in this game, other than Champ and Porter. I’ll admit Deli isn’t as ugly as most monkeys, but I still was not interested in adopting him. But he did fall for me.

Shortly after 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Timo, Jesse, Patrick, Ryan, and Ros joined in…and then we all disconnected. So I opened again. This time, Vinnie, Jesse, Marlie, Timo, and Ros joined…and then again, we disconnected.
Fortunately, the third time was the charm. Patrick, Timo, Jesse, James, Marlie, Vinnie, and Geoff came to visit. The bad news is that it was already 10:35 by the time town filled up. The good news is that we didn’t have any further disconnections the rest of the night. A little lag, sure, but no disconnections.
After we beat up the raccoon figurine for Nook’s Cranny being closed, we headed over to my obstacle course for a tournament. In the first round, Patrick defeated a very laggy Jesse, Vinnie beat Geoff, Timo beat James, and I beat Marlie. Maybe it’s a bit unfair for me to compete, but we would’ve had an odd number of people if I sat out. Still, it was actually my first time racing on my own course, and I enjoyed it! And Marlie was a good sport about it.
In the semifinals, Timo beat Vinnie and I beat Patrick. That meant Timo and I would be competing in the finals! It was a close match, but Timo beat me! Congrats, Timo!

Patrick suggested that we should take a picture, so I thought near the finish line of the obstacle course would be a good place.

We went to my house next, and I was disappointed to learn that the colorful wheel suffered from the same problem it had in New Leaf: Everyone sees a different number.

We had some net fights, some emotion spamming, and then we went over to my western rocky beach. I put my cherry-blossom petal stuff here, and I wanted everyone to see it. Except Vinnie looked like he was going to get sick in my cherry-blossom pond stone!

We later made our way back around to my (lower) pond, where we vaulted across the water. (I later dug holes for the others to fall into).

Around 12:20 a.m., I ended the session for the night. Thanks to everyone who came, and to those who tried to come as well! Even though I didn’t really have anything planned other than the obstacle course tournament, I still had a good time! I hope you all did too!
See you tomorrow with another entry!
i have to say that i haven’t seen anyone make an obstacle course, so that’s pretty cool. also i love how the villager in the poster looks like he’s from the gc ac!
I don’t know if you knew but you can have a camper come and invite them to live even if your island is full. The only downside is they will pick out a random villager to kick out and take their place, but if they pick someone you like you can just tell them no. You can also use amiibo that way, but you’ll get to choose the villager they tell to kick out.
Wow I would’ve took Cranston in a heart beat, he’s one of my favorite of that species besides flora.