I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground today, and I began asking around about it. Agent S was insulted that I even asked, saying it wasn’t her style. But she said it did seem like Apple’s style. I wonder if there were apples inside.
So I made my way to Apple’s orchard house to ask her about it, and the bag was indeed hers. However, she said it was missing “forever,” which didn’t seem likely considering she just moved into town yesterday.

BTW, this is what Apple’s house looks like.
She gave me a jockey uniform as my reward. It sounds like something that would fit her, not me. I’m not a pre-New Leaf villager any more, I’m tall now!
I met up with Agent S near the Bunny Day arches, and I didn’t understand a word she was saying. Is she speaking in code?

She then admitted she was trying to start some new slang trends. Well, good luck to her, but I don’t plan on using those expressions anytime soon.
It’s Saturday night, so K.K. was hanging out in front of town hall. I asked him for a random song, and he played Forest Life. Tia and I were so excited that we practically bounced up out of our chairs.

My new bridge was completed, so I attended the opening ceremony. All my villagers were there, although Agent S was partially hidden. She is a secret agent, after all.

I have fixed the problems with my obstacle course that I encountered last night. So it’ll be good to go for next time.
Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll be working on Wi-Fi Moments #4 tonight, and I’m hoping to have it up tomorrow if possible.