Quiet Night

In Nook’s Cranny tonight, Apple said the store was so warm and cozy that she sometimes naps in there!

Apple: This store is so warm and cozy... sometimes I find a quiet corner and take a nap!
You better hope they don’t call an exterminator while you sleep.

K.K. was in town, and I was surprised to find a crowd around him. Tia, Louie, Rizzo, and Agent S were already there when I joined. I asked K.K. for a random song, and he performed K.K. Milonga for us.

K.K. performs for Louie, Rizzo, Agent S, Jeff, and Tia in Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch.

Next to my house, I think I spotted a gold rosebud! If I’m not mistaken, perhaps my first golden rose will be blooming tomorrow.

Jeff spots a gold rose bud?

Not much else was going on today, and I didn’t play as long as usual. But I think that’s normal for me; sometimes I need a nice quiet, uneventful day to recover after a long Friday Night Forest.

But since this entry is shorter, I will post a bonus picture from last night. I really liked the way the sky looked, with the moon and the clouds. Enjoy, and I’ll see you next time!

Five players look at the moon in ACNH.

6 thoughts on “Quiet Night”

  1. Hey Jeff! I love your videos and vlogs! I’m just wondering how do you record your switch and what editing software do you use? Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi, and thanks! I use the Elgato Game Capture HD to record as I play. For editing, I use VirtualDub to quickly trim the clips I want to save, and then I use Vegas Pro to put my videos together.

  2. hey Jeff. I just wanted to say thanks for all the daily updates. Your the reason I got into Animal crossing. Back in Sept 2002 when the game first came out you made a post on gamefaqs detailing your daily activity. From those posts I ended up buying the game and been hooked ever since. Like you I still have and play my original gamecube town. So keep up the good work man.

    1. Your comment is throwing me for a loop, because I don’t recall being a member on GameFAQs back then. GameFAQs says I joined in 2013, when New Leaf came out. I mean, it’s possible I had an older account that I’ve forgotten about…but if I did, it wouldn’t have been called jvgsjeff. But if any of those posts are still online, I would love to see them!

      But regardless, thank you! I’m glad people still enjoy the old GameCube game, it’s a classic! 🙂

      1. Hello Jeff thanks for the reply. I still play my gamecube town. Also got into New Leaf. I was busy with life when wild world came out so never got into it. I tried playing city folk but the grass despawn would always get me and I would get annoyed and quit. Currently playing New Horizons.

        I don`t remember the gamefaqs user id but I think it had Jeff in the title. I remember the thread and the town name and Characters name. The persons name was Jeff and the town was Forest. In that thread as well it had a link to a blog i followed it for quite a bit. So if its not you then it would be a super weird coincidence.

        Either way I enjoy your daily updates. Gives me some ideas for my own town layouts as well as trying out new things.

        1. That does sound like me, except that I didn’t start my blogs until 2011. But I’m glad you enjoy the updates. Good luck with your towns! 🙂

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