Nook’s Cranny had a throwback race-car bed for sale (like the three that Keaton has in his house), so I bought it.

I later discovered that it can not be customized, so the different-colored beds are just separate items. I don’t quite understand why the game handles some things as different items, and other things as different customizations of the same item. Oh well.
In my flower garden, my first golden rose has bloomed!

In previous games, you always needed a golden watering can to make a gold rose. And after a quick search, many sites say you still do. But when I asked on Twitter, some people said they also got gold roses without being watered by a golden can…perhaps due to a glitch?
Of course, there’s also the chance that someone at Friday Night Forest watered my black roses with a golden can…but I would hope nobody would do that without asking. I always like to achieve things on my own in Animal Crossing games, and making golden roses is (for me) usually one of the late-game goals I have. I would not be happy if this was due to someone I invited into my town, denying me the opportunity to achieve that on my own. But I don’t have any evidence of that, so hopefully that’s not the case.
Perhaps the sites that say the golden can is required, are just mistaken. They could be assuming that’s how it is, because that’s how it operated in previous games. The game is still new, and some of those sites that post guides (sadly) don’t always test or confirm the things they post. Perhaps in time, there will be people who test these things and they’ll reach a consensus. But there’s still a lot of conflicting information out there right now.
The next time I went in Nook’s Cranny, I saw Claudia the tiger looking intently at the paper tiger that was for sale!

Midge was crafting in her house, and she gave me a DIY recipe for a tiny library. Look how cute it is!

A message bottle I found contained a DIY recipe for a golden toilet! Pretty cool, but it requires six gold nuggets. That’s a lot! Gold nuggets are too rare for me to use six of them on a toilet right now. I’m sure I’ll make it at some point in the future, though.

I spotted Tia over by town hall, and I tried talking to her…but I kept hitting her with the net instead! It certainly wasn’t on purpose, and I’m not even sure why it kept hitting her when the 2nd and 3rd times were standing right next to her. But I apologized anyway, and she forgave me.

Apple was trying to fish, and she was talking to the fish, trying to convince them to bite. Apple certainly is cute.

Once I was done making my rounds, I started up the island designer app. I removed my jumping pillars from Friday, and I reshaped my flower garden to accommodate some new paths up to town hall. The garden isn’t as wide as it was before, but now it goes back farther. Here’s the before and after pics:

I also continued the path around town hall, connecting it to all of the bridges. I think I may need to move Shari’s house, because it’s right in the way of the straight line between two bridges. I’ll do that another day, though. But for now, it feels good just to have made some progress in my town.
See you all next time!