Bridges Galore

Late last night, I asked Isabelle about my town rating, and she told me Forest now has a 4-star rating! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Isabelle: Right now, Forest has a 4 star rating.

I ordered a frog shirt from Nook Shopping, and it arrived today. Ribbit!

I saw this mounted black bass at Nook’s Cranny today, and it reminded me of a Filet-O-Fish commercial. And now that song is stuck in my head. 😛

Timmy: Seems like you're interested in a mounted black bass.

Tia asked me for a new catchphrase to replace “oh banana,” which she learned from Louie. So I poured my heart out to her, and told her to say “in a cup” instead.

My latest bridge was finished, so I attended the completion ceremony for it.

The completion ceremony for my stone bridge.

I didn’t waste any time in commissioning the next bridge. It connects the Claudia/Rizzo wasteland with the main section of the island, just a bit northeast of town hall. It’s roughly in the center of the island.

My next bridge, in the center of town.

This will be my 7th bridge, which is apparently just one fewer than the maximum allowed. But this is the last one I have planned, as I feel it connects the island pretty well.

I extended some paths, including one from the campsite northeast to Able Sisters and my new bridge. A customized angled signpost points the way to the tailors’ shop. I still need to add flowers on the other side of the path, but I really like the look of this new area. This part of town was so unremarkable before, and I feel like this change brings this part of town to life.

My new diagonal path connecting the campsite to Able Sisters.

Hornsby commented on all the roads I built yesterday, and he asked if there’s someplace I need to go.

Hornsby: I heard you made a bunch of roads yesterday. Is there someplace you need to go?
Everywhere, Hornsby. Everywhere.

Wisp was in town, and I collected his five spirits for him. I asked him for a “new” reward, and he gave me a low screen.

Wisp: Let me just say, I hope our paths cross again sometime. Until then, farewell!
Never stop crossing my path.

Louie is settling into his new house location. But I have not moved my house over yet. I may wait on that a bit, at least until after Friday Night Forest. And yes, I plan on having FNF again this week. I even spent some time setting up a new area for us to fall into holes on Friday. 😀

There may not be an entry on Thursday, so check back late Friday night for the next entry. Have a great day! 🙂

11 thoughts on “Bridges Galore”

  1. Now I have that Filet-O-Fish commercial stuck in my head. Thanks. 😛

    Tried to join FNF again but the island was full. One of these days…

      1. 3 days ago was Cherry’s birthday. Fortunately I have video enjoying her birthday party. I’ll be looking forward to posting that later.

  2. Oops, forgot to put my name xd. Anyways, I’m the anonymous and I love the content on YouTube and the blogs and I enjoy reading them!

  3. Hi Jeff! Just confirming that you can get gold roses from rain! Rain waters all your flowers. Also, could I join FNF sometime? I’m not on your friend list though…

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