Last night I ordered an elephant slide from the Nook Stop, and it arrived today. I put it right outside of Tia’s house. I like putting something species-related outside the house of many of my villagers, such as the paper tiger outside of Claudia’s house, and the birdcage outside of Midge’s house. It’s helpful for remembering which house belongs to which villager.

Astrid the kangaroo (and her joey) were camping at the campsite today. But I did not invite her to move in; she can bounce right out of town for all I care.

When I ran into Hornsby, he said he might copy me today! He talked about being Jeff Jr. for the day! I think one of me is more than enough already.

Crazy Redd’s ship was docked at the north beach, so I went inside to check out his art. I looked at them all, but I ultimately decided to buy this amazing painting. He will send it to me in the mail tomorrow.

I also bought a rattan table lamp while I was there.
At the museum, Blathers was again hosting a Stamp Rally. You can participate as many days as you like (through May 31st), and the stamp stations may be in different locations. But the prizes will be the same each day.

In case you’re wondering (like I was), the reward plaques can be sold for 300 bells each. That’s less than I was expecting. So unless you have a certain design idea that uses multiple plaques, it’s probably not worth it to complete the Stamp Rally more than once.
Apple read in a magazine that cooking is great for “leveling up” your mind. But since she can’t cook, she just played Super Chef RPG IV instead.

Since it was raining, I did a little fishing…and it paid off. I caught another coelacanth tonight! I also earned Nook Miles for catching my 500th fish.
Rizzo asked me for a new catchphrase, so I told him to say “I’m a rat.” He seemed to enjoy that.

See you next time!