Yesterday, Hornsby wrote me a letter, saying letters remind him of his grandma. At least, before she…. stopped writing letters. And at the end, he said his grandma smelled good (past tense). Is this his way of saying his grandma died?

Speaking of death, Rizzo referred to his own body as a carcass! He was itching from fleas, and he made a big deal out of it right in front of Leif. Well, I guess he knows Leif isn’t going to tell anyone. I helped the rat carcass out by catching his flea; Leif applauded me like he was relieved to not be standing next to an infested rat any more.

While I was at the plaza, I bought some more pink-azalea starts from Leif. I used them to replace the generic shrubs I had been using in my park (which I’m now calling Peach Park). It will take a few days for them to grow, but it certainly is a satisfying feeling to keep improving my island. Even if most of the daily improvements are small, it’s all a step in the right direction.
Later, I used the island designer app to widen my new waterfall (the one that empties near the sumo ring). I think it looks a lot better now.

Just a few other quick notes about yesterday:
- I re-routed part of the new creek, so that my two fake bridges look better.
- I received my tailors ticket from Label in the mail.
- I noticed several pink cosmos on the cliffs, so I planted them near Hornsby’s house.
- Two new black roses sprouted up in my flower garden.
Saharah was in town today, and I bought some cloud flooring and a dig-site wall from her. I like them both, but the cloud flooring was particularly cool because it’s animated! It’s like you’re walking through a cloud! While this would be great for a cloud/sky/heaven themed room, it would also work well as fog for a Halloween room!

Apple was sick with a cold, so I fetched some medicine for her. She’s now on the road to no nose gunk, and she gave me a career jacket as thanks.

I started up the island designer app and put in a new path in the western part of my town. I’ve been reluctant to make this path, because this area is a tight squeeze (thanks to my obstacle course). But I made a path connecting my northwest bridge (near the campsite) down past Tia’s house, and to my southwest bridge. I bought a bunch of orange windflower seeds and lined the path with them.

As an experiment, I took the rock-head statue I got from Keaton, and put it on an island in the river. An odd choice, sure. And I probably won’t keep it this way, but here’s a look anyway.

That’s all for now, but I’ll be back again tomorrow with another entry. See you then!
Hello, Jeff, loving the blog so far, keep up the good work! Though I can ask if you ever thought about having a least one of each personality on the island to keep things feeling fresh? I’m doing it on my island, even if I messed up getting Coco replacing Cyrano since I already had a normal villager (Ava)
Also, would you be happy if you got one of the more popular villagers, like Raymond, on your island?
Here’s my set up on villagers: Cherry, Ava, Merry, Lucky, Hornsby, Filbert (though I like to call him Filb), Huck, Juila, Kid Cat and Coco, who got the exterior glitch on her.
Thanks! I generally don’t even pay much attention to the personality types, so I have no interest in limiting villagers in that way. I just want villagers that I like.

Villager popularity doesn’t really matter to me either. I probably wouldn’t invite Raymond to move in, but I’d be okay with it if it was a random move-in. I would definitely like Sherb, though!
That’s a nice group of villagers you have!
It is pretty relaxing improving the island once you have it planned out. I would like to use all of Gulliver’s items on my island somehow. I could try setting them out according to real life locations or place a theme around each one.
Ooh, that sounds like a good idea! Good luck with your town!
Hi, so I’ve been a viewer since city folk but I’m wondering if any of your villagers you have now were in your GameCube town?
Hornsby was one of my favorite GameCube villagers in my early months with the game. I also had Rizzo, Louie, and Midge at various times.
But Tia, Shari, Agent S, Claudia, Apple, and Keaton didn’t exist yet in the GameCube game.
Ok thx so much for responding to all my questions! There really helpful! Hope your having a good day!
Cool improvements! For peach park, I have some peach items if you would like! I really like your island and you inspire me to make my island cool too! My first Animal Crossing was New Leaf and I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t really creative and I didn’t make my town my own. Animal Crossing New Horizons and your cool ideas have inspired me to make my island and town unique and creative!
Thanks! I don’t need any peach items, but thank you for the offer. I’m really just naming it Peach Park because of the peach trees there, haha. I’m glad you got inspired to make your town unique–that’s a big part of the fun of this game, IMO. Good luck with your island, and feel free to share a screenshot of what you come up with, if you’d like!
I was wondering how you suggest having longevity with the game? I am starting to get burnt out and feel like unless I can put in 2+ hours every day, there is just no point. I also regret how I handled adopting all the villagers I want straight away and not letting there be an aspect of randomness. (I amibo carded my campsite villager out without even talking to him). Overall I just was wondering what you think about managing little time on the game or if 3 hours every day is necessary because it feels like it and is that still rewarding and how you suggest ensuring a long time playing, I am considering a restart!
I don’t quite understand why 3 hours would be necessary every day… But yeah, I’d imagine playing that much is likely to make you burn out faster.
I recommend allowing some random move-ins…and let some of your villagers leave when they ask. I learned from New Leaf that when you have all the villagers you want, things get stale and stagnant. Having some new blood around helps, and yes, even some enemies that you don’t like!
Another suggestion I have is to not reshape your island all at once. Work on a small area per day and don’t try to do too much at the same time. And don’t get married to any one particular idea. Feel free to experiment and deviate from your original plans. Towns don’t have to be perfect, and every part of town doesn’t have to fit the same theme. Good luck!
Thank you! How many did you invite on island trips? I think allowing random move ins is a good idea but nook miles island trips are so easy and the temptation to either adopt or jump islands is always there but I definitely would like to cut back. I think part of my problem is I get on and I am immediately overwhelmed with what I can’t do versus just enjoying the time I do have. I want to accomplish everything like getting all 10 villagers their own unique gift, decorate, terraform, etc. I definitely need to take it slower! Thanks for the advice :)!
I think Tia was the only villager I got from a mystery island. But I typically limited myself to one mystery island trip per day. If that one island didn’t have a villager I liked a lot, I’d just try again the next day (or accept a random move-in, whichever came first). The villagers aren’t a big priority for me at this point. Good villagers will come eventually, but I want to get my island established, pay off some debt, make some fun areas/attractions in town, etc.
Good luck with your island, whatever route you end up taking!