Tiger Plans Escape

Claudia surprised me today by telling me that she’s moving out of town! I didn’t try to stop her.

Claudia: Ideally you'd be sitting down for this, but...I've decided that I'm going to be moving away!

I received several items in the mail that I ordered for my new project, and I spent a good portion of time working on that new area. I experimented with several different layouts until I found something that I liked. But I’m not done with it, and I’m still not ready to show it.

However, I do think I’ll show it tomorrow. I ordered a couple more things, and it should all be presentable after I put those in. It still won’t be a completely finished project for a while, since I still want to add some things I don’t have in my catalog yet. But it’ll be good enough for the time being. 🙂

A balloon present I shot down contained an electric kick scooter. I thought that would be a good addition to my new area, so I kept it. 😉

As the day went on, I started having second thoughts about letting Claudia leave. Even though I’m not a big fan of hers, it just seems so soon, you know? It’s barely been a month since she moved in. And I think I’ve only pitfall’d her once?

I spoke to her repeatedly, but she never gave an option to change her mind. A quick Google search reveals you apparently need to use a second character to change a villager’s mind. And I wasn’t about to create a 2nd character just for that… I didn’t want her back that bad!

Anyway, today’s message bottle had an interesting DIY recipe inside: a leaf! You just need five clumps of weeds to make a leaf.

And in case you’re wondering, the leaf is the accessory you wear in your mouth, not the fake piece of furniture that Tortimer gives you on April Fools Day in ACCF.

One of my new rocks was in a bad location, so I destroyed it. But later on, I accidentally destroyed a different rock…one that was actually in a good location. Ugh.

Today I learned that Hornsby is a computer hacker. 😂 No wonder the villagers know so much about what we do every day!

Hornsby: I hacked into the Forest mainframe and saw that you have a lotta NookPhoneCrannyIsland Miles.

But then he implied that he was joking, saying that he just saw that in a movie recently. Hmmm, I’m not sure what to believe. 😛

There was a meteor shower in town tonight, so I wished on several shooting stars. 🌠

Before I wrapped up my night, Claudia had one last gift for me: She taught me the “amazed” reaction. That also earned me a new achievement, for learning a total of 30 reactions.

I learned the Amazed Reaction! I'm so impressed!

That’s all for now, but I’ll be back with more tomorrow. Hope to see you then!

16 thoughts on “Tiger Plans Escape”

  1. What is your opinion on using amibo cards versus random move in-s vs adopting vs nook miles trips?

    1. Amiibo cards are a good option, but I’m choosing not to use them (at least for now and the near future). I like having an element of randomness in new move-ins, and I like the freedom of being able to choose a mystery island animal (or a camper) if I choose.

      I actually don’t want to end up with a bunch of animals that I want to keep forever. Things get stale and stagnant that way, and the variety keeps thing interesting (even though it means I’ll sometimes get villagers I don’t like, haha).

      1. Awesome! Thanks for the detailed answer. Has this always been your mentality and do you sometimes have a core few villagers you do infact keep for a very long time like I noticed you had static for 5 years in a different game. Would you say it’s fair to say you like to keep around half your villagers for a long time and rotate the other half? I asked about the amibo card because I have considered ordering 1 and limiting myself just to that! But, I’m also new to the series so meeting plenty of villagers is good too!

        1. Well I did use a few Amiibos in New Leaf, but it turns out, those villagers still haven’t asked to move out yet. I don’t like how that works…and perhaps New Horizons is different, but I didn’t want to be stuck with anyone. (And yes, you can kick them out in New Leaf, but only by using another Amiibo).

          I just wanted to stick with in-game options this time. But yes, if I get five of my favorites, I may want to keep them around forever, but I do still want around half to cycle in and out.

          1. I used amibo cards for three of my villagers and they do ask to move I have replaced two of my amibo villagers, I like villagers hunting but amibo cards can be a fun way to switch around dreamers without going through the struggle of finding the same one again if u replace it and change your mind 😊

  2. Hello Jeff! I’m just wondering how do you record your switch and what editing software do you use? Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi, George! I record gameplay with the Elgato Game Capture HD. For editing, I use VirtualDub for my initial trimming (to save individual clips), and then Vegas Pro to put videos together. Thanks!

  3. I followed your advice on random move in’s and taking it slower! I recently restarted with a totally new mindset. I got a great island with Mira and a Ribbot. The next day I limited myself to one nook miles trip like you suggested and was lucky enough to get Marina! Today, my luck shifted and I got Joey on my first and only trip so I left him! Then I decided to put the 3 home plots down and test my luck with random move ins. I checked my three plots and saw my two random move ins will be Drake and Winnie! Not too excited for Winnie but Drake could grow on me! Not a bad duo to round out my group of 5 though. I am enjoying this play through a lot more already.

  4. aw poor claudia! i have a soft spot for the tigers – either bangle or bianca are my favourites but claudia’s a solid a-tier tiger in my book.
    i also really like hornsby! he doesn’t get enough appreciation

  5. Well at least you have Claudia in your New Leaf town still. Also what do you want the most in the next update?

        1. I don’t know if it’ll be the next update, but I think they will eventually. I imagine we’ll get something like New Leaf’s Tortimer Island, with different games to compete in.

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