C.J. was in town today with a fishing challenge for me: I had to catch three large fish in a row without letting one get away. That was easy enough: I caught a squid, a barred knifejaw, and an oarfish to complete the challenge.

I returned to C.J., and he gave me 23,250 bells for those fish plus a cherry salmon I caught earlier. Not bad!

Rizzo is apparently going senile. He didn’t know how it got so late (it was only about 4 p.m.), and he didn’t even know how he got outdoors! Yikes, that’s bad.

I then went to meet my new neighbor, Lopez the deer gazelle. He said he moved from Solstice, which is Timo’s town.

Midge was reading a book on the bench near the sumo ring, and I thought she looked cute there.

I was playing before 5 p.m. for a change, so I actually caught two new bugs, a mantis and a Raja Brooke’s birdwing.

While fishing, I caught a couple pieces of garbage. I ended up using them to craft some trash bags, which I placed outside of Rizzo’s house.

Before wrapping up my game for the day, I paid off my debt to Tom Nook. He will be adding a basement to my house tomorrow! The bad news is that I will owe him 2,498,000 bells for the project. Ouch.
See you late tomorrow night Saturday with another entry!
Update: Sorry, change of plans. No Friday Night Forest this week.
How do you get so much money quickly?
I’m asking because I want to build a bridge but I also want to pay my loan off and I do not know which one to do since my money supplies are so limited.
Most of my money comes from fruit. I have dozens of foreign fruit trees (and a bunch of palm trees for coconuts too), and I harvest and sell the fruit as soon as it appears. I also get money from selling fossils, fish, and bugs. And I haven’t even tried turnip trading yet. Remember, you can also grind Nook Miles and redeem them for bell vouchers.
But when it came to bridges and inclines, I basically alternated. I’d pay off one mortgage, then add a bridge or whatever, and then pay off my next debt before adding another. That way I didn’t ignore either aspect.
Thank you for the tip to alternate between bridges and debts.
sadly I was unlucky to go on 3 mystery tours trying to get foreign fruit but got oranges, my island’s native fruit, every time and I am currently grinding my nook miles for the island designer permits
Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted them but my bro did it without warning. Sorry about that.
Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m not looking for villagers from anyone anyway. Sorry you lost the town though.
Jeff, I’m sorry to say but my brother reset his town… and all the villagers in it. All his poor villagers GONE. Just like that…. in to the void. Poor Lolly, Bob, Sherb and many more… rip
Oh no, sorry to hear that.
Lopez was one of my favorites when I first started Animal Crossing! Also, congrats on the basement!
Thank you!
Yesterday I got two villager pictures in a row! I’ve never had that happen in animal crossing.
Wow, that’s great! Congrats!
I asked a few entries ago if i could have Agent s. Well, yesterday, she showed up at my campsite. I also got my first villlager photo yesterday from Klaus? I wasn’t expecting his photo first but ok
Congrats on getting Agent S!
Congrats on the photo too, even if it’s not from who you expected. I wonder who my first photo will come from.
Hello I have two things to say
1. Whenever there’s a New villager in your town everyone gets excited but when a villager moves out Everyone gets sad lol.
2. Of I put my email will it notify me something?
1. Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.
2. It should notify you if someone replies to your comment.
Lopez doesn’t look too bad. Also so u like having Rizzo in town so u can have a villan? No I don’t mean Big Top.
Well I wouldn’t say I *like* having him in town, but I do try to have fun with the situation.
I understand. Hey could u rate my villagers? ( I have an obsession with not being able to say not to a cute villager.) Savannah, Fauna, Flora, Whitney, Judy, Audie, Lolly, Marina, Hornsby, Raymond.
I plan on giving someone Marina and Judy.
That’s a great bunch of villagers you have! Lolly and Savannah are among my favorites in the whole series, and I also really like Hornsby, Whitney, Fauna, and Marina.