For the first time, I played New Horizons on a Sunday morning, and I got to meet Daisy Mae the turnip-selling pig.

Snot was oozing out of her nose, and it just hangs there. It never drips off, but it swings around when she turns her head. So gross! Wipe your nose, kid!
She was selling turnips for 95 bells apiece, and I bought one thousand of them, for a total of 95,000 bells.
The Happy Home Academy sent me a silver HHA plaque in the mail for topping 30,000 points. I put it on the wall in my exercise room, next to my bronze plaque.
Lopez was outdoors today, sniffing toilets exploring the island.

So I gave him the push into a pitfall that he earned yesterday. Tell me again how it’s Isabelle, not me, doing all the work around here. Go ahead. I dare you.

Since I was playing earlier than usual, I was able to catch several new bugs. That included the orchid mantis, agrias butterfly, Madagascan sunset moth, and Queen Alexandra’s birdwing.

As you might expect, Blathers was sooooo excited to get four new bugs for the museum.
A message bottle gave me a DIY recipe for golden flooring, and it looks pretty cool. I just don’t want to use my gold nuggets on it right now. I’m trying to save them for when I eventually get gold tool recipes.
I posted my latest New Horizons video episode today. I hope you’ll check it out.
I just spend all my bells except for 100,000 on turnips then store them in my basement.
If you had to pick 10 villagers you had to keep forever on your island which 10 would it be?
Currently I’m trying to move in a bunch of villagers I’ve never really had before so I can experience new villagers. (Your island is great btw.)
I find myself buying turnips at 5AM a lot because I just stay up so late… I should probably get a better sleep schedule.
Oh, I didn’t realize she showed up that early. I should probably do that too.
I bought almost 10,000 turnips because I need bells lol. Also I’m planning on getting Goldie for my NH town by borrowing my friends amiibo card.
Nice! Goldie is a great villager to have around!
The early bird gets to pitfall the deer, as they day.