Shortly after starting up the game today, I attended the completion ceremony for my 5th incline. It’s now much easier to climb up Eagle Mountain.
I then spoke with Flick at the plaza to begin the first Bug-Off! The Bug-Off seems to work much like the fishing tournament; we have three minutes to catch as many insects as we can.
On two separate occasions in my first game, I caught bugs that Louie was trying to get.
Sorry, big guy.
I caught a total of 9 bugs in my first attempt, which earned me 11 points. I sold my bugs to Flick, and I played four more rounds. My subsequent scores were 14, 12, 11, and 8. I seemed to be doing worse each round, so I stopped there.
I redeemed my points for the following items at 10 points each: a ladybug rug, butterflies wall, spider doorplate, toy centipede (ughhh), and a bug aloha shirt. The spider doorplate was my favorite of the bunch. It has a spider on a web, and it says “Welcome.” It would be great for Halloween, but I went ahead and put it on my door now.
Overall, I enjoyed my first Bug-Off. The time limit thing seems to work better with bugs than it did for fishing. With fishing, there’s so much randomness because it can take a fish 20+ seconds to take the bait and it’s very annoying. Bugs can be caught quickly and easily, assuming you can find them.
Note: My net broke after my 1st and 4th rounds. I know some people think the fact that tools break in New Horizons is realistic, but I disagree. Occasionally, sure, but two bug nets breaking in the first 12 minutes of a bug-catching tournament? No, that’s not realistic. And these were regular nets, not flimsy nets. 
At Able Sisters, I bought a space suit and a bunny hood. I am now Astro Bunny!
When Astro Bunny I shook a tree, a surveillance camera fell out! I wonder who put that up there! I know Agent S is a spy (oops, was that a secret?), but I didn’t think she’d be spying on the residents of Forest!
Louie’s lights were on tonight, indicating he was home. But I was unable to enter his house. This is a glitch I’ve encountered at least two times before. I hope this gets fixed in next week’s update.
The black roses in front of my house have been spreading like wildfire, and I’ve been growing so many that I didn’t know what to do with them all. So I finally decided that I will line more of the paths near my house (leading up to town hall, for example) with black roses, replacing the red hyacinths I previously had there. There are still plenty of red hyacinths elsewhere in town, after all.
Since I achieved perfect (5-star) island status yesterday, I was expecting to see some lily of the valleys (aka Jacob’s ladders) in town today…but I did not. Unless they appear as buds first and I just didn’t realize what they were. Actually that seems plausible (if not likely), due to the way flowers work in this game. If any of them bloom tomorrow, I’ll be sure to mention it in the next entry.
I hope you all had a successful Bug-Off (or at least those of you in the northern hemisphere), and an enjoyable Day 100 (or whichever day you may be on). See you next time!