Reese’s New Groom

Last last night, I caught a few more new fish to donate to the museum. That included the arowana, giant trevally, and the saddled bichir.

Today, Agent S told me that her favorite musician is K.K., and her favorite song is the bonus track on the purple vinyl edition of his third album. In other words, K.K. Synth. And yet, that’s not the song she plays in her house.

Agent S: My favorite song of his is probably the bonus track on the purple vinyl edition of his third studio album...

Today’s message bottle contained a DIY recipe for a pitfall seed. I’ll leave this by airport, so that if any visitors need it, they can take it.

Leif was in town today, and I bought one shrub and four five-packs of flower seeds from him.

Out on Harv’s island, Reese again wanted photos of a wedding ceremony. While that was a repeat of the first day, there were still two new items added: a wedding flower stand and a wedding candle set.

But I wasn’t interested in decorating a serious wedding ceremony again. So I did things a little differently. For one thing, Reese is marrying Zipper T. Bunny this time. Or at least, the wobbling Zipper toy. Reese was tired of Cyrus trying to change her, under the guise of making “customizations.”

But for the ceremony, Cyrus has returned to his early-New Leaf status of sleeping through everything. So while he’s dreaming of tools and nails, and sandblasting pails, he’s missing out on the most important day of Reese’s life.

I also included some evil dollies (guests of the groom) to attend the ceremony.

Reese stared deeply into Zipper’s blank, soulless eyes, knowing that Zipper will always be there for her. He’ll never take his eyes off her…mainly because he can’t physically blink, but still. I’m sure they’ll live happily ever after, and make some lovely Reese’s peanut butter eggs. Good luck to the new couple!

Zipper and Reese look deeply into each other's eyes as they prepare to get married.

When the ceremony was over, Reese only had one complaint. Not that she married Zipper, and not that Cyrus slept through the whole thing. She only complained that I didn’t match up the colors better.

Reese: If there was one tiny thing I could change about it...I'd try to match up the colors a little better.

She gave me a wedding flower stand, and also some more heart crystals. And of course, she wants me to come back again tomorrow. I feel like I’m being forced to play Happy Home Designer with this event, and I really don’t like it. I just want to unlock all the wedding furniture for my catalog and be done with it. We’ll see how many days that takes.

16 thoughts on “Reese’s New Groom”

  1. I can understand you not liking the wedding event. If you just want to get it done quick, you can fill up the wall with as many flower things (I forgot what their called) as possible to maximize your heart crystals.

    1. I don’t think you can do that. Every time I’ve done this event, the options to add Villagers and Amiibo has been disabled.

  2. At least this event doesn’t severely interfere with normal day-to-day activities like Bunny Day did.

  3. Well, that’s one use for the Zipper toy.

    I understand that some people might not really like the event, but as someone who liked HHD, I’m really enjoying everything especially how cute the event is.

  4. While the event is unique, I do think it is a tad tedious (especially with the themes repeating) And some of the items you get from Cyrus cost a lot of hearts, it might take a while to get all these furniture pieces.

    1. Yeah, I’ll have to just make it tolerable by semi-ignoring the themes and doing my own crazy stuff with it. Like in my Happy Home Designer blog, I used to try to torture Tom Nook in different ways. 😛

  5. Wait u can choose furniture to be in the wedding now?!?!?😱
    Also I saw a comment on the other post saying if we wanted a villager that was in your town and in boxes we could have them. 1. I would move Midge! 2. How would we get to your island?

    1. Yes, you can use furniture in your catalog in addition to what is provided.

      As for moving villagers, you would need to contact me after I post that the villager will be moving. I’m not holding them for people in advance, because there are so many variables (people may not have a vacancy at that time, may have changed mind or already got the villager, is hard to reach, etc.). We would need to arrange a time, and I could use a dodo code. However, I don’t plan on letting Midge move anytime soon…so don’t hold your breath. 😛

      1. I don’t plan on moving any of my current villagers out right now. I have some villagers who I’ve never had before and would like to get to know them. Also I understand about now having reserved villagers. Have a good day!

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