Yesterday, I had Breezy over to try my obstacle course. I also gave her a little tour. She hadn’t visited since back on Day 3, so my island has changed a bit since then. Unfortunately for her, I also managed to pitfall her.

Breezy brought me an iron garden bench, which I put in Peach Park after she left. It looks nicer than the swinging bench I had there before.
Two quick notes about yesterday: C.J. was in town, and I completed his challenge. And the daily glowing spot was in Sudden Valley for the 5th day in a row.
Today (Friday), Saharah was in town. I bought the mysterious wallpaper (dojo wall) and flooring (floral rush-mat flooring) from her.
There was a scary mask at Able Sisters today, and it was staring at me! It was called a Noh mask, and it was so creepy-looking that I just had to buy it.

Lopez was hanging out at the campsite all day, but he forgot to bring a tent. He did bring a flea though, so I saved him from the itching.

The daily glowing spot was in Sudden Valley again today. That makes six days in a row now.
I commissioned a new incline going up to Eagle Mountain, so Keaton will finally have a way down from his house without having to use his wings. I paid it off, and it will be completed tomorrow.
Shortly after 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Ryan (from Petal Burg), Timo, and Ros came over to visit. I showed them all my new campground area…including Lopez, who hadn’t moved from that spot all day!

We walked past the campsite, jumped over my “secret path,” and discussed the possibility of playing sumo on Spectacle Rock. About 10:30, Logan also joined in. We discussed Animal Crossing features, we trapped Shari on the dock, and we pushed Rizzo into his jail cell. I left the back of the cell open this time, so that we could push him in (and just dig holes to lock him in).

I informed everyone that the obstacle course will be gone by next week, so I let them race on it one last time. Around 11:30, Nami joined in. Before her obstacle course run, she changed into a baby outfit. That was funny, because Logan had been dressed like a baby earlier in the night. We figured they should race against each other. Baby Ga-Ga vs. Baby Goo-Goo.

We had a tournament, and Ryan was the winner. Congrats, Ryan! And thanks to all who have enjoyed the obstacle course. The next thing I have planned won’t be as complex, but I hope it will be fun too! No promises, but I might offer people a chance to be among the first to try it on Twitter at some point next week.
Around midnight, we went up to the campsite for photos.

Shortly after that, I ended the session. Thanks to everyone who came, I had a good time! I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow. Bye for now!
If you’d like to see my latest New Horizons video, here it is:
excited to hear that you might be offering people a chance to try out the obstacle course! i hope i can join
BTW I’m not joining because I have nat type d
As someone who’s dappled a bit in the games code, I’m pretty sure glowing spots are predetermined when you create your island and are only rerolled when all of them are filled.
Yeah I actually was thinking about not coming tonight but I decided to anyway and I still had fun! As usual thanks for hosting Jeff! Gaa Gaa Goo Goo
Glad you came! That baby battle was pretty funny.
do you always open at 10pm ET? i’m british so i can never come aha
Normal FNF is at 10pm ET, yes. But I may occasionally open earlier. If I do a test run of my new thing, it will probably be earlier in the day though.
Sad to see that the obstacle course is going. Excited to see what you have planned next!
Yeah, I hope it turns okay! Even though that area is a long way north to south, it’s not as wide as I’d like it to be. But I’ll see what I can do with it.
Thanks for hosting FNF again! I had a great time hanging out with everybody. I’m excited to see what you have planned next time!
No problem! I’m glad you enjoyed your time in Forest.
Hey thanks for hosting your town again Jeff! Multiplayer with you and everyone else is always really fun! Im a bit sad to see the obstacle course go but I’m excited to see what you’ll replace it with in the future even if I can’t play with you next week. Thanks for the fun online moments!
No problem! I’m glad you had a good time!