Able Sisters had this cow skull (hat) for sale today. I was amused that they felt the need to point out it was an imitation cow skull. I used my tailors ticket to buy it.

Hornsby taught me the D.I.Y. recipe for a windflower fan, and it’s really cool. Literally. I made a couple of them (using flowers from near Rizzo’s house) and later put them in my house.

Leif was in town, and he was selling mum flowers. I haven’t had any mums before, so I bought one of each color. I know I have at least one recipe that uses them, so it’ll be good to have some around.
After placing orders for more items I need for my race, I was informed that I’ve now placed 100 orders through Nook Shopping! As a reward, I got the Nook Shopping app on my NookPhone! I can now place orders from anywhere; I don’t have to go into town hall to do it.

Unfortunately, the upgrade did not include an increase in the daily limit. I still can’t order more than five items per day. The app is a nice thing to have, although it isn’t a huge deal, since town hall is open 24/7 anyway. It saves a trip there, though.
Breezy came over for a visit tonight. I just don’t want to post any screenshots, because her outfit would ruin the surprise of my race’s theme. She helped me get some of the items I needed for the race, so I gave her a sneak peek of the course. She also drew a really cute picture for the bulletin board.
Today’s glowing spot was again in Sudden Valley. I’m not going to keep providing updates about it every day though, but at this point, I do think it’s appearing there more than half the time.
With a new blue pansy bud popping up today, I now have enough of them to go around the edge of my fountain. I previously had yellow hyacinths here before, but I started switching over after I found several blue pansies popping up elsewhere in town. Even though I love the hyacinths in general, blue pansies are also among my favorite flowers in the game.

I then spent way too long trying to find a drone beetle for Shari. Once I did finally track one down, Shari only gave me a fishing vest as my reward.
If you’re interested in my video episodes, check out my latest one, #24:
I’ll be back with more tomorrow, hopefully with pics and a video of my race! See you then!
What I particularly love about the shopping app is that I can pull it up at Able Sisters and Nooks Cranny to double-check if an item is already in my catalog
Wow, that’s a GREAT point! That certainly is a very useful feature!
They would definitely need to clarify that the cow skull is imitation in my town, since a cow villager actually lives there.
Haha, maybe Mabel could say “this is not Tipper’s!”
I have judy in my new horizons town. I have like this thing where I have a 9:30 party on my island. I need that app but it never happens. I think I’m at 95-80 times at least
if you havent yet you should watch this:
I’ve got a question for you. What do you think about DIY recipes in Animal Crossing? Do you think they’re a good addition to the series?
I think it’s a mixed bag. It’s good (really good) that we can quickly make multiple things we need (chairs, benches, medicine, etc.) without having to order from the catalog and wait until the next day.
But on the down side, what happens when we acquire all the recipes? We’re still going to be getting recipes we don’t need from villagers, balloons…and message bottles, which will be completely useless. That’s going to be annoying. And the fact that we have to constantly craft tools is a pain as well.
The nook shopping app is actually very hood for me because half the time I forget what I needed when I get to the town hall.
Have a good day!
The hat looks good on you. I’m wondering, do you have any particular piece of clothing/accesory you miss or liked wearing in the past games? Have a good rest of the week!
Thanks! Off the top of my head, I liked the cavalier hat and the lightning shirt, and I don’t know if those are in New Horizons or not.
The caviler hat was replaced by the noble hat which is pretty similar