Five Star Island!

Ryan sent me a frog model in the mail, to use as decoration for my frog race course. Thanks, Ryan.

Because the Bug-Off will be held tomorrow, K.K. Slider had his performance moved up to today. K.K. deserves better than this! šŸ˜› But I joined Apple and Shari for a performance of K.K. Parade.

Shari, froggy Jeff, and Apple enjoy a performance from K.K. Slider in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Even though I like the taller characters in New Horizons and New Leaf, I have to admit that the frog suits looked better on the smaller characters in older games.

I cleaned up the frog suits and frog caps lying on my beach and put them into storage. I also put out another throwback container on my race course. When I was done, I went to town hall to ask Isabelle about my island evaluation. To my surprise, Forest is now a five-star island!!

Isabelle: Right now, Forest has a 5 star rating.

For my reward, Isabelle gave me a golden watering canā€¦ā€¦recipe.

Isabelle: If you pull out your phone, I can send you the data right now!

Imagine going on a TV game show, and winning the ultimate prize: blueprints so you can make your own dream house. šŸ˜› Still, I went home and made my first golden watering can.

The D.I.Y. recipe for the golden watering can in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
This is my 2nd golden tool so far.

I then watered a bunch of my black roses with it. Itā€™ll be interesting to see if some gold roses sprout up.

I decided to put in another incline in the northwest part of town. It will connect the beach there with the cliff that leads up to the campsite. Itā€™s also near the other incline that goes up to Eagle Mountain, so getting around that area will be a lot more convenient as of tomorrow.

Is this a good spot?

Without even trying, I had a good day of fishing. I caught a hammerhead shark, an arapaima, a coelacanth, and a great white shark. Of course, with my house now fully paid off, Iā€™m entering the phase of the game where bells arenā€™t as important. But itā€™s still satisfying to catch those huge fish anyway. šŸ™‚

Iā€™ll be back for the Bug-Off tomorrow, so Iā€™ll see you then!

13 thoughts on ā€œFive Star Island!ā€

  1. 3 stars! Keaton and stitches just moved in recently. putting in 2 inclines to improve our rating! congrats jeff!

  2. Congrats on the 5-star island, Jeff! I canā€™t wait for the video tour once your islansā€™s ready!

    1. Hey Jeff can I friend you on the switch? I have a lot of money 4 you because you are my favourite youtuber! On the switch Iā€™m. [WUT] Loops so if you see that, thatā€™s me with flickā€™s icon and black backround.

      1. Sorry, but Iā€™m not accepting new friend requests now. And I actually donā€™t accept large gifts anyway; I like to earn everything on my own in AC games. But thank you for the offer!

  3. Congrats on getting a 5 star island rating Jeff! The golden watering can is really good but Iā€™m constantly worried about breaking it lol.

  4. I honestly think that Isabelle only giving u the recipe is silly! I mean she shouldā€™ve given you the recipe and then one already made. But Iā€™m not composing though because the golden roses look nice! Have a great day!

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