Ryan sent me a frog model in the mail, to use as decoration for my frog race course. Thanks, Ryan.
Because the Bug-Off will be held tomorrow, K.K. Slider had his performance moved up to today. K.K. deserves better than this! But I joined Apple and Shari for a performance of K.K. Parade.
Even though I like the taller characters in New Horizons and New Leaf, I have to admit that the frog suits looked better on the smaller characters in older games.
I cleaned up the frog suits and frog caps lying on my beach and put them into storage. I also put out another throwback container on my race course. When I was done, I went to town hall to ask Isabelle about my island evaluation. To my surprise, Forest is now a five-star island!!
For my reward, Isabelle gave me a golden watering can……recipe.
Imagine going on a TV game show, and winning the ultimate prize: blueprints so you can make your own dream house. Still, I went home and made my first golden watering can.
This is my 2nd golden tool so far.
I then watered a bunch of my black roses with it. It’ll be interesting to see if some gold roses sprout up.
I decided to put in another incline in the northwest part of town. It will connect the beach there with the cliff that leads up to the campsite. It’s also near the other incline that goes up to Eagle Mountain, so getting around that area will be a lot more convenient as of tomorrow.
Without even trying, I had a good day of fishing. I caught a hammerhead shark, an arapaima, a coelacanth, and a great white shark. Of course, with my house now fully paid off, I’m entering the phase of the game where bells aren’t as important. But it’s still satisfying to catch those huge fish anyway.
I’ll be back for the Bug-Off tomorrow, so I’ll see you then!
Shari was visiting Rizzo today, and I couldn’t figure out why either of them would want to hang out with the other. Shari said that Rizzo kept grinning, as if he’s up to something! Yeah, you can’t trust that rat.
When I ran into Hornsby, he looked all bundled up. But he said that Forest was the best-tasting island. He insisted that everything tastes great. Hornsby, you’re being weird again. How many times do I have to tell you to stop licking people?
Stop licking my hand, you…
Saharah was in town, and I bought a circuit-board flooring and a rice-paddy wall from her.
I made my final preparations and then posted on Twitter to see who was available. I opened my gate with a Dodo code. Samzyy, Bran, Logan, William (from Columbia), Meli, another William (from Kanto), and Max joined in. I led everyone over to the race course, where everyone put on a frog outfit.
I did not give everyone a run-through of the course, so the first run was blind. I told them the rules, which is basically just that they are free to move left or right; there are no assigned lanes. Just hop through the course, and then climb the wall at the end and turn on the shower first. Here is the video, showing two runs of the race.
William from Columbia won both times! Congrats, William!
It seems that most of them enjoyed the race, although several of them commented that it was too short. I wish I could make it bigger without sacrificing half my town to a multiplayer game that’s only going to be played occasionally, you know?
One of my dream requests, which I mentioned in a video before, is for a designated play area (perhaps on a barge) that could be used for homemade games and races, without taking up space in the town. That seems unlikely, so any future games or races I make will probably be limited to this stretch of land near Forest’s west coast. (Unless Nintendo eventually allows multiple islands per Switch, that is).
Anyway, this was my first time running the race with a full group of frogs. And I noticed some things that need to be fixed. One area (in the Frogger-like road part) had an path through the “cars” with no resistance…where frogs didn’t have to squeeze through. I ordered another throwback container, and I’m going to work on fixing that to make the race more balanced.
Before everyone unfrogged themselves, I had everyone fall into holes at the amusement park. I’ve been trying to do that for a long time, but the last few Friday Night Forests haven’t had a full house. And that’s why Wi-Fi Moments #6 didn’t start with falling into holes, like the first five episodes did.
I told everyone they could shop, explore, or follow me for a tour. But William (from Kanto) left (or disconnected), Bran left, and everyone kinda scattered. So I ended up not giving a proper tour…but I’m getting to the point where I should be thinking about a video town tour sometime soon.
We talked a bit about the game update that’s coming next week. It’ll add swimming, diving, sea creatures, Pascal, a pirate version of Gulliver, and more.
Anyway, Ryan also joined in and we ran another race to show Ryan (it was just me, Ryan, and Samzyy). Samzyy won the race.
Not long after that, people started leaving…and others who already left returned. It was almost like a revolving door for a few minutes there, so I just ended the session. Thanks to all who came! I hope you enjoyed it. I’ll be keeping the course up for a while, so we can probably do a race at every Friday Night Forest for a while…although there will not be a FNF this week.
Later on tonight, I was surprised when I caught a new fish. I thought it was Blinky! But it was just a barreleye.
And just for fun, here is Breezy’s cute froggy art she left on my bulletin board.
There may or may not an entry tomorrow. But there will be one on Saturday for the Bug-Off. Hope to see you soon! Have a toad-ally great day!
Able Sisters had this cow skull (hat) for sale today. I was amused that they felt the need to point out it was an imitation cow skull. I used my tailors ticket to buy it.
Hornsby taught me the D.I.Y. recipe for a windflower fan, and it’s really cool. Literally. I made a couple of them (using flowers from near Rizzo’s house) and later put them in my house.
Leif was in town, and he was selling mum flowers. I haven’t had any mums before, so I bought one of each color. I know I have at least one recipe that uses them, so it’ll be good to have some around.
After placing orders for more items I need for my race, I was informed that I’ve now placed 100 orders through Nook Shopping! As a reward, I got the Nook Shopping app on my NookPhone! I can now place orders from anywhere; I don’t have to go into town hall to do it.
Unfortunately, the upgrade did not include an increase in the daily limit. I still can’t order more than five items per day. The app is a nice thing to have, although it isn’t a huge deal, since town hall is open 24/7 anyway. It saves a trip there, though.
Breezy came over for a visit tonight. I just don’t want to post any screenshots, because her outfit would ruin the surprise of my race’s theme. She helped me get some of the items I needed for the race, so I gave her a sneak peek of the course. She also drew a really cute picture for the bulletin board.
Today’s glowing spot was again in Sudden Valley. I’m not going to keep providing updates about it every day though, but at this point, I do think it’s appearing there more than half the time.
With a new blue pansy bud popping up today, I now have enough of them to go around the edge of my fountain. I previously had yellow hyacinths here before, but I started switching over after I found several blue pansies popping up elsewhere in town. Even though I love the hyacinths in general, blue pansies are also among my favorite flowers in the game.
I then spent way too long trying to find a drone beetle for Shari. Once I did finally track one down, Shari only gave me a fishing vest as my reward.
If you’re interested in my video episodes, check out my latest one, #24:
I’ll be back with more tomorrow, hopefully with pics and a video of my race! See you then!