Gulliver was in town today, and he again made a space reference to his UFO-piloting days in Wild World and City Folk.

I helped him out by recovering his five communicator pieces for him. He will send me a reward in the mail.
My frog race course is causing some problems for me. Two of my fossils today were buried in awkward places like this:

It wouldn’t let me dig them up diagonally, so I had to use the island designer app to fill in some water spots with land so that I could dig them up. I could avoid this problem by using certain types of paths (stone or wood) on those spaces, but I don’t want to do that. It wouldn’t really fit the theme of the frog race itself.
I suppose I could use an invisible pattern there… but that could cause a different problem: Kicking off the pattern during a race when trying to run. So I’ll just deal with the occasional inconvenience for now.
Nook’s Cranny had an arcade fighting game for sale, so I bought it…even though it cost an absurd 64,000 bells.

I put it in my arcade at the amusement park, replacing the dart board.
I’ve been noticing a number of blue pansies popping up, so I’ve decided to put them around Hornsby’s house. Even though he currently has pink cosmos around his house, that’s only because I mistakenly thought that was Midge’s house a while back. Oops. So Midge will now get those pink cosmos.
July is here now, so that means lots of new bugs are out! I caught and donated a horned dynastid, miyama stag, walking leaf, saw stag, cyclommatus stag, and earth-boring dung beetle. It’s weird seeing a dung beetle in the summer, even though it’s not the snowball-pushing kind.

I also caught a new fish, the Napoleonfish.

There are still more new creatures to catch, but the peak season is just beginning. It’s going to be a lucrative summer, and much museum progress will be made.
My third gold rose is budding, as are a bunch of new blue hyacinths.
That’s all for tonight, but the game update is coming tomorrow night! In less than 24 hours, I may be swimming for the first time! See you then!