Alex from Pawnee sent me some items I wanted in the mail today, so thank you, Alex! Logan also sent me a spare frog suit in case someone accidentally takes one with them. Thanks, Logan! Even though a couple people have taken frog suits home, they both came back to return the suits. But it’s good to have a spare anyway.
I had a 4th gold rose budding today. I also used some gold rose petals to make myself a gold rose crown.
Near the frog course, there were a couple of pocket modern campers and pocket vintage campers that Nami left me. They are little vehicles, and I really mean little! Here they are on the roadway part of my frog race.

I’m not sure if I will keep them here or not, but thank you Nami. Interestingly, these items do not show up in my catalog, not even as “not for sale” items.
K.K. Slider was in town tonight, and he offered a little love. K.K. Love Song, that is. It’s one of my favorites, and I believe it was also the first K.K. song I ever heard. Hornsby, however, wasn’t in the mood for love, and he walked away as the song began.

After the show, I checked Nook’s Cranny for wet suits, but again, there were none!
Outside, I heard some shooting stars and I stopped to wish on a few of them.
Later on, I went diving in the ocean. I caught another scallop, and Pascal again popped up. I gave him the scallop, and he informed me that studying astronomy and taking up space in school are not the same thing.

He also gave me a D.I.Y. recipe for a mermaid rug. I later caught another scallop, and I was finally able to donate that one to the museum. I’ve now caught (and donated) 17 of the 40 sea creatures. Not a bad start for just the first few days of diving.
I ran into Keaton, and he informed me that he has always made the right choices throughout his life. Lucky him.

Check back tomorrow for Wi-Fi Moments #7!