I said hello to Lopez today, and he was happy to see me. Wait…or was he lying?

On my beaches today, I found four star fragments and one large star fragment.
There was a camper at the campsite today, and it was Snooty the snooty anteater. Snooties are my least favorite personality, so Snooty won’t be getting an invitation to move in anytime soon.

There was another meteor shower tonight, so I again wished on several shooting stars.
I did some more swimming and diving tonight. I caught another scallop, but my pockets were full at the time, so Pascal didn’t pop up to ask for it. But I did see a different NPC as I swam…Wisp! He was watching me from the rocks near Sudden Valley!

I continued my swim around the back of the island, and I was a bit surprised to see Keaton hanging out on the northern beach! He even said he was going to take up diving this summer!

But he clarified that he meant diving into his fluffy duvet after playing a game of lacrosse. How disappointing. It would be hilarious and amazing if we could see animals dive into the ocean!
I scored a several new sea catches, including a sea pineapple, slate pencil urchin, horseshoe crab, and gazami crab. But I also caught one creature that was actually quite difficult. The giant isopod was outswimming me, teasing me, and making a fool out of me. I chased it all around the island, back and forth.
But once I got it near a corner of the swimming area, I was finally able to grab it. Forget what I said the other day about sea creatures being easy to catch. At least this one really put up a fight!

And with that, I have now caught 22 different sea creatures. That’s more than half of the creatures in the game! With that little milestone completed, I took a break from swimming and decided to help out Wisp. It took me a full 15 minutes to find all of his spirits, and he gave me an orange camo wall for my trouble. Sometimes I wonder if Wisp is even worth the effort.
After that, I decided to get busy working on my town’s next attraction! It’s not an interactive thing like the frog race, nor does it involve reshaping the land dramatically. So it may not be super exciting, but it’s probably more interesting than Spectacle Rock.
I did need to use the island designer tool for some minor adjustments, though. I’m also putting in a new ramp for easier access to the area, though I haven’t paid it off just yet. Once this new thing is done, I think I’ll be about ready for a town tour video. I need to stop picking fruit though, so my trees will look nice for the tour. If all goes well, perhaps it’ll be done later this week.
But just to be clear…even when I post a town tour video, it doesn’t mean my town is “done.” I still have some long-term ideas in mind, and some parts of town may be changed from time to time. Even today, I basically decided that I’m eventually going to move Tia’s house (again). That will give me extra room in the western part of the town for future games and races.
I posted Wi-Fi Moments #7 today, so I hope you’ll give it a watch if you haven’t already.
Update: I did a little more diving and ended up seeing Pascal after all. He gave me a recipe for mermaid flooring in exchange for my scallop.