Feeling Jolly

I received my jolly painting from Jolly Redd in the mail today, and I jollily rushed it over to the museum. Blathers informed me that it was the real deal. šŸ™‚

It doesn't take a particularly sharp eye to see that the entire portrait is composed of fresh produce.

The three large items at Nookā€™s Cranny were all bathroom-related. Well, sort of. There was a squat toilet, a simple panel (okay, this one is a stretch, but it could work as a screen to provide some privacy), and a cypress bathtub. I bought all three for my upstairs room, which has basically become a large bathroom. šŸ˜›

Today's selection at Nook's Cranny includes a squat toilet and cypress bathtub.

Saharah was in town, so I bought mysterious wallpaper and flooring from her. They turned out to be a white-chocolate wall and berry-chocolates flooring. As sweet as they may be, I didnā€™t keep either one of them. Iā€™m afraid the steam from the bathtub may melt the walls and floor. šŸ˜‰

The white-chocolate wall and berry-chocolates flooring in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I found 10 regular star fragments on the beach today, along with one large star fragment, and two Cancer fragments. Thatā€™s one of my largest star fragment hauls yet.

I visited Rizzo today, and I gave him a special gift.

Rizzo: Oh! Some holey socks?

Holey socks. He said he appreciated the gift, but it seemed like he could tell it wasnā€™t exactly the greatest gift. šŸ˜› But thatā€™s okay, because heā€™s not the greatest mouse.

Just seconds after the clock struck 7 oā€™clock (the exact time that scorpions start spawning), a completely hidden scorpion came out from behind one tree, as I was shaking a different tree (while holding a net). I didnā€™t even see it coming, so I was quite surprised when I collapsed!

Iā€™m just about ready to make my town tour video, and Iā€™m planning on recording it tomorrow (if itā€™s sunny in Forest). As I was planning out the path Iā€™m going to take, I decided to add in another ramp on the east end of Eagle Mountain. Getting around on my cliffs is going to be so much easier now, thanks not just to this ramp, but also the other ramp and bridge Iā€™ve added recently.

There were some more shooting stars tonight. But when I stopped to wish on one of them, I accidentally shook a cherry tree! I was trying to keep all the fruit on my trees for my town tour video, but I wonā€™t let one fruitless tree stop me. šŸ’

Update: Iā€™m probably not going to have Friday Night Forest this week. But I might do something on Sunday afternoon instead. Stay tuned.

9 thoughts on ā€œFeeling Jollyā€

  1. Jeff, itā€™s heen raining heavily on my island today and Iā€™m worried if itā€™s the same for Forest. I hope no, I would love to see the island tour!

    Also, do you think youā€™re ready to rank your NH villagers or would you rather wait to get to know them better? I have a feeling Rizzo is not gonna make the top 5 :p

    1. My Top 3: Agent S, Hornsby, Tia
      Bottom 4: Louie, Lopez, Shari, Rizzo (Rizzo being worst)

      As for the 3 in the middle (Midge, Apple, Keaton), I like them all, but itā€™s hard for me to decide in what order to rank them right now. šŸ˜›

  2. For star fragments ā€” they cap out at 20, so if you make 20 wishes, youā€™re guaranteed 20 fragments on the beach the next day!

  3. Oh Jeff the Dream Suite got datamined some more after the summer update. Iā€™m thinking that it might return in the summer wave 2 update! Would you be excited if it returned?

  4. Jeff, I have good news! In the recent update, Nintendo fixed the visitor spawn rates! No one is guaranteed to come (Except K.K. and Daisy Mae) and everyone is guaranteed to come to the island every other week. That means more of every visitor!

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