Shari told me she was thinking about moving out of town today…and I decided to let her go. So she will be moving out tomorrow.

She was one of my starting villagers (along with Louie), but it’s time to let her go. She’s been my 2nd-least favorite villager (behind Rizzo), and she’s had a good four months in town. I wish her well, but I’m ready to get someone new on this island.
C.J. was in town, and he wanted me to catch three small-time fish in a row. But that wasn’t going to stop me from catching this arapaima.

It took me a while to find the small fish I needed. It’s actually easier to find large fish than small fish in New Horizons. But I completed C.J.’s challenge, and I was able to sell him all my fish at a good price (including my arapaima and a dorado I also caught).
Celeste was also in town, and she gave me a recipe for an iron wand.

I made one, and it just looks like a pipe! Maybe I could use this as a weapon against any rabid rats I may encounter.

One of my Nook Miles+ goals was to go diving and catch three sea creatures. So I did just that. One of the critters I caught was a vampire squid. That’s a new one for me, so I donated it to the museum.

A few other quick notes:
- My 5th gold rose appeared today.
- I had a bunch of new black roses, but I just started selling them. I already have more than I need for now.
- My town rating was (temporarily) down to 4 stars, thanks to the leftover frog suits I forgot to put back up after yesterday.
I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow. See you then!